One of the things we didn’t do, but I had dreamed of doing, was to take my husband to visit the wonderful monuments in Washington, D.C. I’d hoped that when we moved from Florida to New England we could at least see the Lincoln Memorial, but we took back roads around all the major cities instead (due to much of the civil unrest going on in the USA these days). If you would rather listen instead of read, play the audio (and there’s a few minutes of BONUS info on the audio this time too!):

Here’s the situation in Barbara Loe Fisher’s words

I can imagine how shocked and disturbed Barbara Loe Fisher was when Dr. Mercola abruptly dissolved their longtime partnership and discontinued funding her charitable organization, the non-profit National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), and caused her to move the Truth and Freedom Monument placed a year ago (see the Instagram post) at the site of Dr. Mercola’s Cape Coral, Florida business–here’s her story.

Screen capture: Instagram video image of Barbara Loe Fisher in front of the monument.

Since I don’t have Dr. Mercola’s side of the story, I will submit a few articles I found (which Barbara may have also referenced).

Here’s the article, Dr. Mercola consulted with psychic before axing top executives from Natural Products Insider.

Here’s a link to Kai Clay’s Bahlon site.

When we feel hurt and rejected

I took my daughter and eldest granddaughter to see Inside Out 2 last night and the main takeaway I got from it is that we need to be able to embrace ALL of our emotions. (Not to give away the essence of the film.) Of course, I aim to help myself and others embrace our emotions in a balanced way.

It was also interesting (and a bit of a synchronicity) to see my Facebook Memories today from a year ago when I posted the following:

My meme: 1 year ago I posted this meme that “It’s time to take WOO – WOO out of the box.” –Sheila Murrey
How have I done? Have I taken enough WOO – WOO out of the box this last year for you? Have I triggered you with any of my posts?

When we feel hurt or rejected, we have a very powerful choice in that moment. We can react out of anger or fear, or we can sit in stillness and go within to clear another layer of past trauma (like peeling layers of an onion one at a time), to be able to feel better when similar situations occur in the future–and as humans it seems, we will always face challenges that can potentially trigger our emotions. I aim to help you acknowledge those moments, clear the trauma, and live with more ease in peace.

My meme: “Did you know the CDC schedule has 79 shots ready for children from birth to 18 years of age? I was born in the 60s and got about 10.” What is going on? Who makes these decisions? True health is not about continuing to vaccinate ourselves. There’s much more to it than that.

I will always believe the definition of true health is to have the ability of mind, body, spirit, and soul and move freely throughout this world in a unique and individual human body experiencing as much joy as possible. 

Each of us carries the power of Omniscience inside of us (some mistake this phenomenon as each of us “being a god”), we can feel hurt and rejected when someone, especially someone we care for and who has cared for us, puts us off, cancels, or defunds us (or shoves something down our throat either literally or proverbially speaking). It’s how one feels when they are fired from a job or abandoned by a spouse or other loved one. In those moments we feel we aren’t a good person, or that we could have done better. We feel hurt down to our most basic of self-beliefs.

If we can simply sit with our feelings, breathe, look through a kaleidoscope or play with a mirror ball (two of the tools I use during an Integrating the Spirals session), or go for a walk and take a good long look at a tree, we may find a sense of relief. We are simply part of the whole. We are a fractal of Omniscience (All That Is).

At the basis of it ALL

I find it easy to maintain a sense of Ego-less meekness when I keep in mind the limitlessness of Omniscience God, and I have written often on the topic. It is the basis for Integrating the Spirals and the bigger picture as well. The result of this self-improvement is to reach the point where we can understand (and befriend the mantra) that in the end, Everything Resolves to Gratitude.

Read my previous post: Limitless God.

Read my previous post: Continuing thoughts on Limitless God.

Yours in expanding, revolving, limitless, spiraling consciousness,

To our better health, ease, and sustaining lives of JOY!

Sheila “Spiral Sister” Murrey

Audio provided by Otter. Edited with Grammarly.

What I am known for

Be the best version of who you want to be–because if you’re reading my words your soul is probably beckoning you to align with it and live up to your highest ideals. Not perfect because who is perfect? Most stagnate or ‘get stuck’ while on their way to being whatever they think perfection is. Making progress is enough. Carrying your Karma lightly is enough. Be kind to yourself while living responsibly. Who you ARE affects us ALL. We Are All Connected.

Energy/Omniscience (Omnism) governs ALL. Omniscience knows ALL. Omniscience is always with you. You are never alone.

My online Zoom video course, Integrating the Spirals is more timely now than ever because I know people are suffering. (Let me know if you’re interested in working through the Integrating the Spirals course.)

As an empath I want to help ease suffering and raise our vibration to offer hope. I want to uplift others and expand our collective consciousness. I teach breath work and meditation so we appreciate the value of Detachment. We till our inner soil with our breath to calm the amygdala and institute peace. Meditation is an easy way to Connect us with spirit, higher selves, Omniscience God, and receive non-programmed personal guidance.

The information provided is for educational purposes only and is not intended to treat, diagnose or prescribe.

About us

My husband is an award-winning illustrator, plus he’s a seasoned guitarist, bass player, and songwriter (with over 400 original songs). You can view some of his artwork and listen to all of his songs at:

Here’s a video of us performing on Vimeo:

About me, your Spiral Sister

I would love to speak at your bookstore, crystal shop, acupuncture/chiropractor office, natural health foods store, art fair, music, or yoga festival. I support healthy lifestyle businesses. 

My 4th book is on Amazon and the link where you can check it out (Kindle has the purple cover and the paperback has the yellow cover, but the content is the same): Have Yourself a Wholly Vibrant Life: Reversing Asthma and Other Chronic Illness Naturally

I invite you to check out my metaphysical book–Blue Eyes: Ethereal Messages of Connection. There are two versions (Kindle and paperback) on Amazon:

I’m an Amazon bestselling author of two co-authored books: “Transform Your Life Book 2 Inspirational Stories and Expert Advice” and “Energy of Receiving” available on Amazon.


For more spiritual and esoteric updates, who we’re connecting with in Ocala, Florida and more, follow me on Instagram:

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