My Pixabay memes

Sooo I did a new thing this week. I started adding memes I created to Pixabay! I invite you to check them out and let me know what you think, ask about any of them, or such. I will number them to help make commenting easier.

#1 Breathe

Breathe. You are a Fractal of Omniscience.

#2 How to breathe to calm down your nervous system

#3 Take It Upon Yourself and strengthen the fabric of the Universe that Connects us ALL. We Are All Connected.

#4 If you ever feel you owe God an apology…

#5 When all else fails, Omniscience has your back…

#6 What if we could heal or re-grow (adult) new teeth by humming?

#7 What if GodBumps were the body’s way of telling our mind we have available Energy to heal and restore?

Pixabay limits newbies to seven uploads a week, so stayed tuned here or there to see what gets published there next week! Thank you for playing along!

Here’s the link if you would like to follow me or sign up for yourself to begin posting:

Fractals of Omniscience

In and beyond this magnificent Universe, Omniscience knows ALL. Omniscience is always with you because you are a fractal part of Omniscience. You are truly never alone in this ever-expanding Universe. We are each fractals of Omniscience akin to glints of sunlight on the surface of a large body of water or the rays of sunshine shining upon us.

Fractal of Omniscience. “Spiral Sister”🌀Observer & Perceiver of Energy & Wisdom from Nature. Empath|Author|Connector|Speaker|Singer.❤️🦋🌀🎼〰️🙏🔥☯️

A bit about me, your Spiral Sister

I would love to speak at your bookstore, crystal shop, acupuncture / chiropractor office, or other holistic / natural fair or festival. I support healthy lifestyle businesses. For information on ALL of my books, visit my Amazon Author page.

An Amazon bestselling author of two co-authored books: Transform Your Life Book 2 Inspirational Stories and Expert AdviceEnergy of Receiving, and author of the captivating Blue Eyes: Ethereal Messages of Connection as well as the incredibly helpful 2nd edition of Have Yourself a Wholly Vibrant Life: Reversing Asthma and Other Chronic Illness Naturally.

Be the best version of who you want to be–who your soul beckons you to be. It’s important because who you are in this world affects us ALL. We Are All Connected.

Information provided is for educational purposes only and is not intended to treat, diagnose or prescribe.


I’m on Rumble now!

For more about observations, dreams, and memes, follow me on Instagram:

Time and Saying Goodbye

These are the kind of things many of us experience. I just happen to keep a diary of notes.

In my pages regarding, TIME I found these:

Time, time, TIME

May 26th, 2015

I said goodbye to my granddaughter, Jennie.

It was in this moment that I uncovered one of my first limiting beliefs.

I’d said, “grandma has to work” as I kissed Jennie’s face, arm and leg and said I will see you in two months when mommy brings you to WV.

But Jennie looked me in the eyes with such intent and said, “Come with us grand-ma” (yes, grand ma in two words). And it broke my heart because I also wanted to go with them. And as I said “Grandma has to work” it resonated deep within my body. Ugh!I I don’t want to have to work AND I never again want to shut the car door for her and let her leave like that.

I told her, “Jennie, you have more places to go and other people to see on your adventure.” But, I wanted to really mean it, without feeling so much energetic pull to “not let her go”!

That was six years ago (as of this writing), and Jennie has called herself by her full first name, Jennifer, for several years. They grow up so fast!

I’ve only seen Jennifer a few times since then (annually on average, except 2020-2021 when we chose not to travel due to COVID and never knowing when interstate travel could be shutdown).

I also have twin granddaughters I’d love to hug and hold before they start preschool in a couple months. Not seeing them two years in a row makes me feel awful! I have missed sooo much!!

May 26th is also my son’s birthday, so I bet that had me feeling a bit more emotion (simply from the standpoint of always celebrating it with him).

I recognize my children and granddaughters have their own lives, and tell myself this often to tamp down my negative emotions and contain the sadness I feel (for not living near them or seeing them as often as I would love).

March 18th, 2016

“And birth is only the beginning. It is overwhelming sometimes to ponder how courageous and brave it is of each soul to agree to this carnal ride.

Oh, how bumpy and bizarre this ride! How curious this journey of becoming human. How mysterious and magical to be in a living, changing, growing, wonderful body!

As an adult, we think we’re big enough, strong, and tough enough to survive, but we know the body and mind are fragile too.

Imagine when we are in the womb, how fragile, delicate, and vulnerable we are. Oh, how indescribable it must be!

So, let us all pray and meditate daily about how grateful we are to have been born–to be here!

We are able to live, move, and have our being, while not every soul who desires and strives to be here, makes it.

And lets be kind to our bodies, our children, and each other. For we are all blessed to be here, and IN Joy relish the time we have on this magnificent planet.

Amen. Namaste. OM – Sheila Murrey

5 years later, on March 18th, 2021 I had an Aha moment about the preceding paragraph when I was going through about 500 writing “Notes” that I had on my iPhone (because yes, I write a LOT, I just don’t publish often due to my job and other commitments).

The Aha was realizing (seeing with REAL EYES), that I’d written that paragraph 3 years BEFORE my dad passed/crossed over, transitioned, or had his “Celebration Day” to the Grand Beyond, and on the DATE that he and I had planned to meet each other, which is another story in and of itself.

February 20th, 2017

Oh! One of the things I hate, is wasting TIME… and I feel like a lot of time has been wasted since Feb. 2020. But, here’s a list of things I was working on to find balance / forgiveness about in 2017:

  • Liars, manipulators, narcissists
  • DuPont, Monsanto/Bayer, Big Pharma
  • Big Oil, Fracking (use solar, wind, geothermal instead!! We do!)
  • Deforestation unless you are replanting trees — use bamboo instead!!
  • Rayon (grandmother poisoned by Viscose factory – they sold out to avoid lawsuits in the 60s/70s)
  • Polyester, Nylon, Patent leather.
  • Plastic (though some BPA free kinds are helpful when camping) (Stop using / stop buying new plastic. Clean up beaches. Watch the film Sonic Sea.)

I began to daily recognize that shit is a necessary fertilizer by which we grow, though it smells and I don’t always like it.

When any of these people, places, or circumstances come my way, I let it go as best I can to Limitless Omniscience God, and forgive them, as they know not what they do.

I hold compassion for my imperfect self, because my reactive mind, sometimes, feels PTSD type sensations.

So, I must feel and own my feelings. And respond somewhat harshly in the moment to be heard, based on the environment I’m in. I don’t always quickly access my intellect, and I understand why (amygdala response).

There are only 3 ways to resolve any problem:

Accept it, Change it, or Avoid it.

When we visit in person again

I’ll show my granddaughters Qigong forms.

I’ll kiss their Third Eye.

I’ll teach them EFT – Tapping. And some spiral energy medicine.

And I’ll teach them how to appreciate our time together vs. feeling sad or upset that our time together feels so short.

We’ll play in the clothes I took to them from my mom (that my mom had saved in my grandmother’s cedar closet), and explain how they can wear them when they are teenagers.

And we’ll go to the Chaos and Kindness store and to Art Escape.

We will paint together and make things.

We’ll bounce on their trampoline together too! And we’ll camp, snuggle, color, and make jewelry together. 😉

We will cherish each moment of Presence.

We will figure out a way to bottle the smell of their hair. Because that’s one of the things I miss the most about not being with them. ❤️🦋🌀〰️

Why are we living during this challenging time?

For anyone wondering why they are living during this time,
“Did you think the Creator would create unnecessary people in a time of such terrible danger?”

Know that you yourself are essential to this world. Understand both the blessing and the burden of that. You yourself are desperately needed to save the soul of this world.

Did you think you were put here for something less?

In a Sacred Hoop of Life, there is no beginning and no ending.

Each of us is important and have a mission. Much love! ❤️

Many blessings to you in ALL ways. ❤️🦋🌀〰️

A bit about me, your Spiral Sister

I would love to speak at your bookstore, crystal shop, acupuncture / chiropractor office, or other holistic / natural fair or festival. I support healthy lifestyle businesses. For information on ALL of my books, visit my Amazon Author page.

An Amazon bestselling author of two co-authored books: Transform Your Life Book 2 Inspirational Stories and Expert AdviceEnergy of Receiving, and author of the captivating Blue Eyes: Ethereal Messages of Connection as well as the incredibly helpful 2nd edition of Have Yourself a Wholly Vibrant Life: Reversing Asthma and Other Chronic Illness Naturally.

Be the best version of who you want to be.

Information provided is for educational purposes only and is not intended to treat, diagnose or prescribe.

For more about this blog, how I create digital designs, why I wrote a holistic health book, and more, find me on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

A Sacred Celtic Journey (Part 2): England

Sacred Celtic Journey: England

Continuing on with the sharing of thoughts and pictures from our June/July 2019 vacation to Europe, this post covers our three days in England. During these three days we covered a lot of ground, literally and figuratively!

Refer to part 1 here:

Our Sacred Celtic Journey was with author and speaker, Patricia McGivern (learn more about her at:

The tour took us to Bath, Lacock, Avebury, West Kennet Long Barrow, and Stonehenge (which was abSOULutely phenomenal!) plus, we explored Glastonbury (the Abbey, Tor, and Chalice Well) and also got to have a quick stop in the tiny town of Wells, home to one of the grandest of cathedrals!

Thursday July 4

We arrived in Bristol, England and had a bus (for our group), take us on about an hour’s drive to Bath, England.


In Bath, we stayed at the Apex Bath hotel. We had a wonderful room and comfortable bed. We had walked so much in Ireland that we were really appreciative to have the rest of this day to “just BE.”

We walked through town and marveled at the architecture of the cathedral.

Bath Cathedral
Bath Cathedral doors
Beside the Cathedral as we walked to dinner

We dined at the famous Sally Lunn’s—home of Sally Lunn’s Buns. Our group believes Sally’s is haunted, as one of our gals experienced some odd happenings while she was in the restroom! She heard the door open, and water run in the sink, and door close, but no footsteps and no talking!

Our food was delicious and even months later, as I write this, I can still recall the feeling and experience of the place.

Vegetarian option of a Sally Lunn’s bun
Famous Sally Lunn’s bun with meat on top
Sign above entrance to Sally Lunn’s

Picture of us in front:

Friday July 5

On this morning, we enjoyed breakfast at the hotel and afterwards met author, Andrew Phillip Smith. He presented interesting information from his book, The Lost Teachings of the Cathars. I have not read his book, but he certainly seemed an expert on the topic.

In the Languedoc area of Southern France, the Cathars met in groups and did not build churches. They were peaceful, educated, believed in equality of men and women and the early pure teachings of Jesus before being massacred by the Catholic Church in the Albigensian crusade. As well, we learned that the Cathars were celibate (called, Perfects) and confessed to each other in front of believers. Once a Perfect met their Perfect other, they went to Kingdom of Heaven (didn’t need to reincarnate into another vessel or creature). In 1209 something important happened (Reference to my 1212 life that I found out about while in Sedona.)

Supposedly, Mary Magdalene was alone with Jesus at the temple, the well, and in the garden. May not have married him but may have been his Perfect. They wouldn’t have had physical sex though, as that was not the belief or way at the time. This would have put the Cathars at odds with the Catholics.

Cathars believed in Laying on of hands (Refer to the story of the horse-lost shoe between to stones/horshoe over the door); Reference the Nag Hammadi; During the Inquisition we learned about the Cathars (so something good came out of it, yes something good can even come out of the Inquisition!). He even said Adam and Eve were not able to move until the spirit went into them!

While somewhat fascinating, I couldn’t help pinch myself a few times though, as I looked out the windows of the hotel. I was simply in awe to be in England. ❤️

Lacock Village

We walked through town again to catch another tour bus to go to Lacock (where Harry Potter was filmed), Avebury, West Kennet Long Barrow, Woodhenge, and finally, to Stonehenge. Honestly, I could write one whole article on my experience at Stonehenge, it was that amazing and phenomenal.

At Lacock, Richard and I walked and talked with our driver who was a retired police officer. He told us some stories about how their criminal justice system operated and that people aren’t allowed to own guns there. We were very interested in the architecture and way of life of the villagers of Lacock. Even the barn was very well taken care of. Walking these aged streets were certainly a walk back in time.

Walking around Lacock

We ended our walk at the church and Patricia asked me to come and see an important memorial of a young mother and children.

Beautiful stained glass windows inside the church
I was enthralled with the back door of the church
Patricia McGivern at the tomb
Tomb of Mary Ann Hooper and children

West Kennet Long Barrow

A short drive later, we arrived at West Kennet Long Barrow (a neolithic tomb built around 3,650).

Trekking up the hill to West Kennet Long Barrow

We played with taking photos and theorizing about these stones. I happily spied on two birds atop one of the stones at the entrance to the chamber and remarked to Patricia, “One has a feather stuck on its beak”! It wasn’t a busy place that day, so it was relaxing. And we liked that we could touch everything, which heightened my curiosity and made it all the more informative.

Richard explores the stones
Entering the burial chamber
Richard points to a fissure in this “stone”
View from the top of the mound

We joked about desiring to see a crop circle here, and wildly enough, a couple of weeks after we left, we read about a crop circle appearing near this place! “Missed it by that much”!


Next, we spent a few hours at Avebury, exploring the largest megalithic stone circle in the world! Again, we were intrigued by the “flesh” type of texture to these humongous stones. We marveled at the placement of the stones and the various “growths” on their surface.

Avebury sign
My darling husband, smiling after a back stretch
Feeling the texture of the stones
Our friend, Pharon, resting by one of the stones
Incredible “holding hands” with these “stones”
Fascinating closeup
Catching sunlight over this magnificent stone

We learned that Avebury is also a henge, as Stonehenge is and were further intrigued. Since our visit, we have become quite hooked on the topic!

After leaving Avebury, we stopped along the road for a fantastic lunch at a place called, The Waggon and Horses. Not only was the food savory and delicious, but the building charmed me with delight!

The Waggon and Horses entryway history plaque
Entry door with the spiral glass panels 🌀
The sewing machine reminds me of my mom, the glass windows are thicker at the bottom, and the candle is real. What a beautiful and mystical place to dine.
Wood beams on the ceiling, splendor abounds. We are seated for lunch.
Traditional fish and chips, and whiskey. (No peas for me, but every place served them!)
Love the stairs and cobblestones
A back door
Stopped to get to know these magnificent horses along the way
We learn the story of the white horse. And this magnificent Friesian is a stunning example. Friendly too!

Before arriving at Stonehenge, we made a quick stop at Woodhenge. We learned that the wood markers had been placed where stones had once been.


Walking the path towards Stonehenge

I will summarize to state that I felt the energy affecting me before we even reached the stones, as we rode the park bus out to the stones, and more while walking to the stones.

I noticed our shadows and took this artsy “giants” shot:

Foreshadowing Stonehenge
The sun was in perfect position
Casting light on the subject
The heel stone
The Druid priest provided instructions

As the sun was setting and I entered the stone circle, I felt a strong yet calm energy as I took each meaningful step. I felt an indescribable connection to this sacred site!

Walking inside this megalithic stone circle was deeply personal and most intriguing. Even now, looking at the photos as I write this, brings me back INTO engagement with those feelings.

One of the stones up close
The sunset between the stones
Walking among the powerful stones
Before meditating feeling deeply
Susan and the sunset
Shari, Kim, the Druid priest and sunset
Pharon in meditation

After taking pictures and video of the sunset, I found a mostly buried blue healing stone (that Pharon had told me about earlier). I sat very near one of the blue stones and was blissfully surprised at how quickly I dropped into a meditative state.

My few minutes of meditation within the inner circle at Stonehenge was profound! I was quite surprised after leaving there to learn that my husband had taken a picture of myself and some of our others while we were meditating! Love!

Note: Even now, I continue to connect to that stone when meditating at home.

Sitting to meditate
In meditation inside the stone circle of Stonehenge
Coming out of meditation and seeing how many had joined in
Time seemed to stand still
Sunset was captivating
Kim, Sheila, and Pharon (Sedona SiStars)
Stonehenge was everything and more than I had anticipated
Our group at Stonehenge

Update! New Stonehenge discoveries 2/20/2022

“Those long-distance connections are being demonstrated through science, and that’s really helpful to understand that Stonehenge wasn’t an isolated culture, they were actually really interconnected,” Wilkin said.

Saturday July 6

Today (on the date of my daughter’s birthday), I was a bit emotional because of not being with her, but also because I was out of the country and not able to talk with her. In English tradition though, I put my chin up and trekked on, as we had a lot to see!


We made a quick stop in Wells, England’s smallest city. And we were all astonished at the sight we saw there!

Wells sign
The Wells cathedral
Closer view of the Wells cathedral. What grandeur and opulence!


Glastonbury sign
Synchronistically, we were in Glastonbury while there was a Holistic Spiritual & Wellness Fayre going on!

We left the hotel at 8am for a full day in Glastonbury (where it is believed that Joseph of Arimathea and King Arthur may be buried); we had our second past life regression out back of the Abbey and before the group tour of the Abbey.

My husband, Richard, had been dealing with a hip that was hurting, so we didn’t go on the Abbey tour, but I felt that was all in divine time. As it happened, a friend had lost her green Prasiolite crystal after our regression session and I was available to walk with her, help look for it, and have some time to talk. Had Richard not have needed to rest, I would not have been available.

Abbey ruins
Hubby’s selfie

The grounds here were spectacular. I covered a lot of ground myself taking in the roses and other flowers growing on the walls and looking for meaningful items.

Richard and I at Glastonbury Abbey
I love steps, especially ancient ones
The height and construction of the wall
The beautiful flowers growing along the wall
The Lady Chapel sign
Entry door – The Lady’s Chapel
Exit of the Lady’s Chapel
Inside the Lady’s Chapel
Taking time to stop and smell the flowers
Reminded me of the little concrete donkey my mom had in our backyard for several years

I spent quite awhile in the Abbey’s museum and was immediately drawn to these blue glass fragments (reminiscent of the luminous blue stones I had seen in my first regression session in Glendalough—see part 1 post).

Blue glass fragments
Getting lost in the blue
Marvelous blue
Ancient Abbey door on display in the museum
Incredible Tapestry

Before leaving we had a few minutes to shop and find some gifts for my granddaughters and myself. 😉

We walked into town for lunch and had a delicious meal at a cafe where we had quiche and English tea.

Delicious quiche and salad lunch
Sheila having traditional English tea (with pinkie out!)

Chalice well

We left about 1pm for the Chalice Well, England’s most loved and well known holy well that is believed to possess healing qualities). On the way to our tour bus, I spied my synchronistic blue on one of the buildings! I tell you, I didn’t miss a beat of receiving all of the subtle winks from the Universe I was given on this trip!

Blue window trim and above it! 💙🦋🌀
Even the bus stops were quaint! See the spirals (top left)?
At Chalice well, stopped to have Richard take my picture for my granddaughter by yellow flowers. 😉
For my grandmother who grew roses, grandfather who always said to, “Stop and smell the roses.”
Chalice Well
Street beside and outside of the Chalice well

Our guide for this day took us up a side street to The White Spring where back in the day, commoners could gather water (the rest runs down under the grate beside the street.) He also took us in the building (that isn’t always open), where we could see The Red Spring—and as our luck would have it, we even saw a nude man after his dip in the spring! LOL Oh, my! (No photography was allowed in there and we know why!)

Glastonbury Tor

Richard and I took one look at the hill and decided to stay at the bus with our driver, Richard, and talk about the legends and more with him. To us, connecting with those who live in these places are more important than the buildings and such. We enjoyed talking about the sheep and such too, and he prepared a lovely cheese and cider snack for us all after the rest of our group returned. Totally unexpected and delightful!

Glastonbury Tor sign
The group climbs to the Tor
While they are gone, I find an interesting alter

Back in Bath

Wrapping it up, we spent several hours at the Roman Baths museum in Bath. We were amazed by how much was here and I could write another article on all we discovered here! It was one of the biggest surprises of our trip, as we didn’t know much about this at all and had no idea that we would be so mesmerized by it all, from the engineering and architecture, to the art! We knew Romans were intelligent, but obviously much more than we had thought!

Second story view down onto the bath where the roof had been removed when another civilization had built on top of this!
Another second story view and statues
Inside the museum (they offer a guided tour or self tour with audio)
Model scale of how the original bath looked
Model scale with arched roof over the bath
Water flows to the bath from the original spring
Plexiglass floor allows you to walk over the water flow right out to the bath
Flowing out to the bath
Into the bath
Some original lead pipeline remains (which probably poisoned them!)
Don’t drink it, birdie!
Bath level

Note: As destiny would have it, out of 30,861 applications I won the lottery entry into the Newgrange neolithic chamber for the 2019 winter solstice sunrise! We are sooo excited to return to Ireland!

Stay tuned for part 3: Scotland!


A bit about me, your Spiral Sister

I would love to speak at your bookstore, crystal shop, acupuncture / chiropractor office, or other holistic / natural fair or festival. I support healthy lifestyle businesses. For information on ALL of my books, visit my Amazon Author page.

An Amazon bestselling author of two co-authored books: Transform Your Life Book 2 Inspirational Stories and Expert AdviceEnergy of Receiving, and author of the captivating Blue Eyes: Ethereal Messages of Connection as well as the incredibly helpful 2nd edition of Have Yourself a Wholly Vibrant Life: Reversing Asthma and Other Chronic Illness Naturally.

Be the best version of who you want to be.

Information provided is for educational purposes only and is not intended to treat, diagnose or prescribe.

For more about this blog, how I create digital designs, why I wrote a holistic health book, and more, find me on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

7th annual Awakening Into The Sun FREE health and wellness festival in St. Petersburg, Florida

7th annual Awakening Into The Sun FREE yoga, music, and arts outdoor festival is March 2nd and 3rd, 2019

This will be our best and grandest festival yet! The festival’s 7th year is sure to be the one FREE health and wellness events that will be talked about all year long, so don’t miss it!

Over the last six years, the Awakening Into The Sun festival has been the muse to many an artist. Artists who inspire prosperous and expansive consciousness in the world. We learn, grow, and LOVE! Learn about our mission to water your seeds of greatness and help you awaken to your authentic purpose.

We’re going to have free yoga classes, free live music (and folks, these are some of the best around!), health educators, art classes*, and health sessions* such as: crystal bowls, sound therapy, massage, acupuncture and more. As well as, healthy food, pets, art, and lots of sights and sounds to behold.

*Note: Fees will be charged for art classes and certain health sessions.

And there will be lots of vendors (previous years included about 90), of which you can meet and greet, ask questions, sample products, and bring home the items best suited for you and your loved ones.

If you have a marriage license and desire to be wed at the festival, come to the band area–I’m the emcee for the event both days and a Florida licensed notary public and LOVE to marry couples in love! Imagine the blessings you’ll receive from getting married at this holistic event!

For those who have attended in years past, the musical performers you know and love will be joining us again: Duo Vida, Billy Mays III / Infinite Third, Jordyn Zentz, and Eluv (on Saturday); We will also enjoy the luxurious sounds of Lindy Romez & Sol Y Mar, and Latin Rendezvous (on Sunday); Samadhi new to the event this year, will also perform on Sunday. Let’s all of us give our aWEsOMe performers a sunny Florida welcome! I am super excited to see them all again and meet Samadhi!

Then on Sunday about 4pm, we’ll begin gathering for the closing ceremonies, which will be highlighted by the largest drum circle in Florida! Bring your drum, bring your rattles and Tingsha cymbals (I’ll have mine!), and prepare to experience an aWEsOMe awakening, heart-expanding, and soul-connecting time!

For all of the information be sure to visit the official festival website: Awakening Into the Sun

Your soul-aligned friend in Connection.

Many blessings to you in ALL ways.

A bit about me, your Spiral Sister

I would love to speak at your bookstore, crystal shop, acupuncture / chiropractor office, or other holistic / natural fair or festival. I support healthy lifestyle businesses. For information on ALL of my books, visit my Amazon Author page.

An Amazon bestselling author of two co-authored books: Transform Your Life Book 2 Inspirational Stories and Expert AdviceEnergy of Receiving, and author of the captivating Blue Eyes: Ethereal Messages of Connection as well as the incredibly helpful 2nd edition of Have Yourself a Wholly Vibrant Life: Reversing Asthma and Other Chronic Illness Naturally.

Be the best version of who you want to be.

Information provided is for educational purposes only and is not intended to treat, diagnose or prescribe.

For more about this blog, how I create digital designs, why I wrote a holistic health book, and more, find me on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

My take on New Thought

About New Thought

First, the back drop I’d like to set is that one of the things humans love to do is to make much ado about nothing. We love to categorize, label, and define things, which often leads to us complicating very simple things. We also love to feel in CONTROL, by controlling situations, or people, around us.

Humans love to Control
Humans love to Control

I love to find the wisdom within the simple things. I love to look at everything from a child’s point of view. I feel this helps keep my thoughts and energy balanced.

The main points

I’ve written previously that there are many names for God, whilst Omnipotence, Omniscience, Omnipresence is above and beyond and LIMITLESS of “naming.” To say that Omni-everything is a Deity (whether personal or impersonal) with any name, still sounds limiting to me.

Oneness works for the Omni-everything, but Divineness (to me) still implies some sort of inherent “goodness.” Omni-everything is ever-living, creating and destroying. If you can find the “goodness” in destruction, then perhaps we’re sharing the same stream of consciousness.


To strictly state that there is a “Law” of anything is something difficult for a child to understand. My six year old granddaughter knows when she touches something too hot, it can hurt her. Or if she drops something heavy on her toe, that it hurts. But she does not comprehend any kind of law, not even the law of gravity, much less the law of attraction. However, could there be any kind of laws, of course, though that concept seems man-made to me, so if you think Omni-everything dictates certain precepts or laws, you’re anthropomorphizing the LIMITLESS.

One may also suggest that LIMITLESS constructs the Universes according to certain laws. I’d rather suggest that LIMITLESS organizes Universes by design. Within art, there are no mistakes. Take whatever you think Perfection is, and find the imperfection. Find a way to love that.

Through the LIMITLESS Omni-everything, we are. We exist. We BE. Whether or not we’ve lived before, most surely we live NOW. And right now we are creating our reality through our thoughts, time, attention, intention, and way of BEing. For this, we are each responsible. We are choosing in every minute, by direct focus, or not.


Whether we realize the impact of our actions, which stem from each and every thought we have, they effect others since, We Are All Connected. We reap from what each has planted. Thoughts beget actions. But always, there are ways for us to choose.

Some people choose not to live in a house divided, or in a county where too much control is exerted over them. They CHOOSE to leave. In this way, they are creating their own reality by choosing to make a better choice for them, in their NOW.

Even people in bondage can choose to control their thoughts and find freedom there. Those who do not feel they have any choice in their day to day, can meditate and find relief. No one can ever control  your thoughts. In your thoughts is where you can find total freedom.


A child would not know of, or necessarily be caught up in performing rituals or services, thus dogmas and religions wouldn’t be important. However, most children understand (by way of parental conditioning) that honoring their parents, or those that care for them, is important. I find a personal fulfillment in the honoring of my ancestors, if for no other reason than I would not be here in this life, physically, had it not been for them.

It matters not to me of which religion or dogma my ancestors believed, or practiced. I am still here. I am thinking it would be better somehow if I came to be here via the LOVE they expressed for one another, but I am mature enough to realize that is not the case for everyone. Some are born outside of, and apart from a loving experience, but that does not mean they cannot find love. And it certainly does not mean they are not worth of being loved.

Feel free

Children understand that truth, love, and compassion FEELS freeing. It does not feel good to be called names (even in a joking way), and it does not feel good to be excluded or neglected.

Children do not get all that caught up in whether they’ve lived before, or whether someone leaves their experience, as long as their present moment is nurturing and fun–full of new and continuing opportunities for BEing part of something, anything!

Therefore, the use of exclusionary words, such as “only” cause divisiveness.

When you limit anyone about anything with words such as “only” you are using control, or attempting to guide them in one direction. The Omni-everything allows. Control is an illusion, and one that is best let go of, if one prefers to FEEL free.

In freedom and love,


We Are All Connected.

Many blessings to you in ALL ways. OM

A bit about me:

An Amazon bestselling author of two co-authored books: “Transform Your Life Book 2 Inspirational Stories and Expert Advice,” “Energy of Receiving”, plus author of “Blue Eyes: Ethereal Messages of Connection,” and holistic health book that details how I naturally reversed asthma, “Have Yourself a Wholly Vibrant Life: Reversing Asthma and Other Chronic Illness Naturally” all available on Amazon.

Be the best version of who you want to be.

Information provided is for educational purposes only and is not intended to treat, diagnose or prescribe.

For more about me, this blog, how I create websites, why I wrote a holistic health book, and more, find me on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Artsy Glass Jewelry

Dichroic Jewelry “Dichroic Adventures” jewelry

A former coworker of mine, Joni, and I were discussing a pendant I had on, as well as my Fenton Art glass bead bracelet. Joni mentioned making dichroic glass  jewelry. When she brought some in a few days later, I took one look and immediately hooked!

I’ve posted a photo of some of the pendants and earrings I bought from Joni – at relatively inexpensive prices too! Aren’t they fascinating and lovely? The photos really do not show how exquisite and elegant the pieces are though. As the light hits each piece you see different colors and sometimes different imagery within the patterns.

I’m so intrigued by the colors and feel of these glass items, as well as how unique each piece is. I’ve always been a fan of art glass though, having grown up near the Fenton Art glass factory in Williamstown, WV.

My glass jewelry also reminds me of how my dad (having been a truck driver) would bring home glass marbles for me when I was a kid. I loved playing with marbles!

Dichroic glass is so interesting! I continue to marvel at how the appear, when the light hits the variety of colors in the glass. Also, I put my attention on how I can see shapes or pictures within the pieces. Each seem to conjure mysterious and magical wonderings.

If you’d like to learn more about how dichroic glass is made – Click Here.

If you’ve had a dear pet cremated you can contact someone who makes dichroic glass, and ask about preserving a tiny bit of their remains in a memorial glass dichroic pendant. How loving is that?

A bit about me:

An Amazon bestselling author of two co-authored books: “Transform Your Life Book 2 Inspirational Stories and Expert Advice,” “Energy of Receiving”, plus author of “Blue Eyes: Ethereal Messages of Connection,” and holistic health book that details how I naturally reversed asthma, “Have Yourself a Wholly Vibrant Life: Reversing Asthma and Other Chronic Illness Naturally” all available on Amazon.

Be the best version of who you want to be.

Information provided is for educational purposes only and is not intended to treat, diagnose or prescribe.

For more about me, this blog, how I create websites, why I wrote a holistic health book, and more, find me on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

America The Beautiful at Fenton Art Glass Company

Wearable fame

It’s not everyday that you can claim a small bit of fame by the bracelet you wear, but I’ve been able to do just that.

Bead jewelry

As many women know, and presumable just as many men since they often reach for a piece of jewelry as a gift to the special lady in their life, Pandora bead jewelry has become very popular. And so it happens that in my West Virginia hometown there’s a century plus old company who’s making artisan glass beads that rival and are quite competitive with Pandora beads. And I’ve begun my own bracelet of the beads (which, I wore everyday for years).

I’m at work, and ladies admire the beads. I’m at the health foods store, grocery store, gym, shipping store, etc. and ladies notice the beaded bracelet. At every turn I get to tell about Fenton Art Glass and how it’s “made in America” pure artisan craftsmanship at its finest.

You can check their fabulous beads out for yourself on their website (and maybe even buy some beads!):

Click Here or go copy and paste this link into your browser —>

Proud history

Let me finish my story… I love the Fenton company. And unfortunately like so many family run companies they’ve been business challenged lately. In fact, they’ve shut down their main furnace (July 2011 – This saddened me deeply when a cousin texted me last year that this was happening!

You see, I went to school (all twelve years – elementary through high school) with Fenton kids. I walked by Fenton a lot growing up and would look forward to tent sales in the summer when my mom and I would shop for collectible hand blown glass pieces (they made vases, lamps, bowls, little hand painted cute animal figurines, angels, clowns, and much more), or when I’d visit my hometown later on with family and look for what was new.

I’m so glad I took my husband on the factory tour a few years back. And since my husband is an artist, he told me he so admired the workmanship and craftsmanship in the making of the art there. The artisans at Fenton had such command of their art and were proud to have their work collected by people all over the world.

Fenton used to appear on the HSN television channel. As well, they used to have their wares displayed and sold at Cracker Barrel restaurants.

Living in Florida since I was 22 years of age, when people asked me where I was from, I was always happy to say I’m from Williamstown, WV–where Fenton Art Glass is made.

Though I’ve lived in Florida for more than half of my life, my hometown still lives in my heart. I have family and friends in / near Williamstown.

Ray of Light

While dining out, we’ve wondered if Fenton had explored making other types of art glass, such as light shades for bars and restaurants.

When we watch HG TV and those restaurant makeover shows on Food Network and see the ways in which designers come up with creating lighting fixtures, sometimes out of the most unexpected things, we wonder if that’s a whole genre of business Fenton may have missed out on.

I enjoy the way light shines through and reflects from the Fenton glass I own, and I appreciate the beauty of it often. I wish more people could experience the beauty of Fenton Art Glass, and believe in the workers of America again.

Part of What Made America Great

When I read this article, and learned there had been 460 glass factories in West Virginia, but now only 16 are in operation. This again causes me to pause and reflect upon how America is changing. Gone are so many manual labor craft jobs. And when we lose that talent and skill, it may never be replaced. Didn’t factories make America great? Where did all our manufacturing go???

Designer beads

So, back to my little beaded bracelet. When I look at it, I think of the folks who made the glass, and the artists who painted on each bead. As the beads move along on the bracelet chain I think about my hometown, I’m grateful to have grown up during a time when hard work and the arts were held in high esteem.

My first cousins’ wife has worked in the Fenton gift shop for years. Fenton has been a big contributor of the economy of Williamstown and surrounding areas, Vienna and Parkersburg WV and Marietta OH. That area will feel the loss of this major employer!

I pray and lift up in hope all those whose lives have been impacted negatively by the changing economy and I pray Fenton can find a way to rise up again, light the main furnace, and keep the heart in my hometown.

UPDATE 2017: Fenton Art Glass did eventually close down the factory. The building was torn down to build a new school.–423357214.html

A bit about me:

An Amazon bestselling author of two co-authored books: “Transform Your Life Book 2 Inspirational Stories and Expert Advice,” “Energy of Receiving”, plus author of “Blue Eyes: Ethereal Messages of Connection,” and holistic health book that details how I naturally reversed asthma, “Have Yourself a Wholly Vibrant Life: Reversing Asthma and Other Chronic Illness Naturally” all available on Amazon.

Be the best version of who you want to be.

Information provided is for educational purposes only and is not intended to treat, diagnose or prescribe.

I’m thrilled to write everyday on topics I love like this story about my famous hometown thanks to Fenton Art.