June 18th – It’s over my head

It’s June 18th, 2024; We have an original unique rock song written for heads made of clay. Richard wrote this rock song (music and lyrics) before he met me, but it suits me to a T. He’s told me many times that I’m “over his head.” He’s as profound as me though. I love the melody and guitar riffs on this song, and yes, it’s one of my favorites. Einstein Hawking way are one of my favorite lines. Bubba Hudson sings this with some emotion. A snappy, radio-ready, studio mix was done by Steven Cooper of Nashville, TN. 

Love life with no rehearsal

Here’s the one-hundred-seventieth new music post for 2024, as I consistently extrude a unique original song from Richard’s vast song catalog to educate and entertain the masses. But maybe, like The Why Files, we offer music for high IQ, critical thinkers!

I agree with Aldous Huxley in his statement, “Unlike the masses, intellectuals have a taste for rationality and interest in facts. Their critical habit of mind makes them resistant to the kind of propaganda that works so well on the majority.”

When Richard and I met for the first time in person (we’d met online and communicated for months first), we had set the date for drinks and I’d taken my two doggies with me. Our date lasted for 4 hours! I think that’s because we are both deep and critical thinkers. Our server had been working on becoming a vet tech and she made us go get my dogs out of the car, walk, and feed them because she was so worried (though it was a cool and rainy day and they were very used to traveling with me). I took them along because it had been a drive to get to our meeting spot and so they could be my excuse to leave had the date went south. LOL

Meme: “Unlike the masses… critical habit of mind…” –Aldous Huxley
Meme: “Common people will believe anything if they are frightened. But critically-thinking people will look for deception and find the truth through the smokescreen of fear. Listen to critical thinkers, not fearful reactors.” –Dr. Suzanne Humphries

Yes, Everything Happens for a Reason and Everything Resolves to Gratitude. Knowing that each of us (as fractals) uplifts my mind and allows me to view life as a lively kaleidoscope grand design that moves about in an ever-expanding, revolving, melodious, consciousness. Question and study everything you can (without reacting in fear) to continue expanding your mind.

Enjoy (IN Joy) everything and love! Be Everything All the Time. May we all soar in ’24!

Yours in expanding, fearless querying, spiraling consciousness,

Sheila “Spiral Sister” Murrey

Unheard songs stimulate brain neural paths

We’re songwriters seeking placement of our original songs in TV, film, games, etc. We’re songwriters seeking bands to play our songs. Video content creators, filmmakers, podcasters, production companies, deejays, Vloggers, YouTubers, and more can use our original music and songs in movies, TV shows, video intros, and such. Everything is available at: Listen4Music.com

Excerpt from The Conversation(dot)com – link follows from the article, “How does the brain think.”

For more information on the research into creating new neural pathways in the brain and enhancing one’s cognition: https://theconversation.com/how-does-the-brain-think-224228?utm_source=join1440&utm_medium=email&utm_placement=newsletter

About us

My husband of 19 years, Richard Murrey, is an award-winning illustrator, plus he’s a seasoned guitarist, bass player, and songwriter (having penned over 400 original songs). You can view his artwork and hear original songs at: http://listen4music.com

Video of us performing Live: https://vimeo.com/416711742?ref=fb-share

About me, your Spiral Sister

My meme: Critical thinking skills. –Sheila “Spiral Sister” Murrey

Spiritually speaking

As a Minister and Spiritual Advisor, it is my pleasure to help you find a way to Connect with spirit. Our ever-living God Omniscience knows ALL. The invitation is open to you.

I speak and offer advice by invitation only. If you would love me to speak at your office, bookstore, crystal shop, acupuncture/chiropractor office, natural health foods store, art fair, music, or yoga festival–comment on this post or reach out to me via my social channels.

My books on Amazon

I have four books on Amazon. The two most recent are: Have Yourself a Wholly Vibrant Life: Reversing Asthma and Other Chronic Illness Naturally and Blue Eyes: Ethereal Messages of Connection.

The information provided is for educational purposes only and is not intended to treat, diagnose or prescribe.

Connect with us

Here are the social channels where I am most active:

June 17th – What’s mine is yours

It’s June 17th, 2024; We have an original unique rock song written for such a time as this. Richard wrote this rock song (music and lyrics) to encourage more giving. Too many takers out there! It shows off hefty guitar licks and riffs, as well as Bubba Hudson’s solid vocals. A slick, radio-ready, studio mix produced by Steven Cooper of Nashville, TN. 

Ain’t no video or catalog clone

Here’s the one-hundred-sixty-ninth new music post for 2024, as I consistently dole out a unique original song to educate and entertain. In the age of anti-corporation, anti-capitalism and anti-greed, check it out:

I recall few times in my life where I’ve felt the ping of jealousy. I think my mom did a wonderful job of raising me not to be jealous. I also think I’ve worked on myself a lot over the years to let go of anything I was afraid to lose. Hold on loosely has been my motto since I first heard that song as a teenager. Even as an only child, I was taught to share.

Meme: Yoda says, “Attachment leads to jealousy. The shadow of greed that is. Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose.” –MoralMindsets

Yes, Everything Happens for a Reason and Everything Resolves to Gratitude. Knowing that each of us (as fractals) uplifts my mind and allows me to view life as a lively kaleidoscope grand design that moves about in an ever-expanding, revolving, melodious, consciousness. Three cheers to all of us working to release our attachment to everything we fear to lose.

Enjoy (IN Joy) everything and love! Be Everything All the Time. May we all soar in ’24!

Yours in expanding, detaching, spiraling consciousness,

Sheila “Spiral Sister” Murrey

Original and unique songs cultivate brain neural paths

We’re songwriters seeking placement of our original songs in TV, film, games, etc. We’re songwriters seeking bands to play our songs. Video content creators, filmmakers, podcasters, production companies, deejays, Vloggers, YouTubers, and more can use our original music and songs in movies, TV shows, video intros, and such. Everything is available at: Listen4Music.com

Excerpt from The Conversation(dot)com – link follows from the article, “How does the brain think.”

For more information on the research into creating new neural pathways in the brain and enhancing one’s cognition: https://theconversation.com/how-does-the-brain-think-224228?utm_source=join1440&utm_medium=email&utm_placement=newsletter

About us

My husband of 19 years, Richard Murrey, is an award-winning illustrator, plus he’s a seasoned guitarist, bass player, and songwriter (having penned over 400 original songs). You can view his artwork and hear original songs at: http://listen4music.com

Video of us performing Live: https://vimeo.com/416711742?ref=fb-share

About me, your Spiral Sister

My meme: For it is when we connect, we know we are all one. –Sheila “Spiral Sister” Murrey

Spiritually speaking

As a Minister and Spiritual Advisor, it is my pleasure to help you find a way to Connect with spirit. Our ever-living God Omniscience knows ALL. The invitation is open to you.

I speak and offer advice by invitation only. If you would love me to speak at your office, bookstore, crystal shop, acupuncture/chiropractor office, natural health foods store, art fair, music, or yoga festival–comment on this post or reach out to me via my social channels.

My books on Amazon

I have four books on Amazon. The two most recent are: Have Yourself a Wholly Vibrant Life: Reversing Asthma and Other Chronic Illness Naturally and Blue Eyes: Ethereal Messages of Connection.

The information provided is for educational purposes only and is not intended to treat, diagnose or prescribe.

Connect with us

Here are the social channels where I am most active:

June 16th – My baby ain’t cliche

It’s June 16th, 2024; We have an original pop song about a unique gal (I’d like to think it’s me, but that would be my vanity talking). Richard wrote this before me though. Perhaps it called me into existence–into his life. This poppy fun song finds our pro singer, Bubba Hudson mixing up all the vocals. It seems like a timely song too–if you think about it. Love the snappy production by Steven Cooper of Nashville, TN. 

Ain’t no video or catalog clone

Here’s the one-hundred-sixty-eighth new music post for 2024, as I consistently press play of a unique original song to educate and entertain. In the age of transitioning genders and Artificial Intelligence (AI) clones, I could see it going viral. Here’s the song:

I keep an open mind. I always want to feed you something original, unique, and real. I begin by being as original, unique, and real as I can be. I’m certainly not cliche. I don’t follow trends, I’d rather create them! I think that’s why I don’t see myself following the herd. I am a trailblazer, a pioneer. And that’s why only a few people follow me–and that’s okay! I prefer to have a few followers than millions. Perhaps the slow ones will catch on in 2000 years. LOL

Meme: People are starving for something real. In a world of fake food, fake news, fake followers, and artificial intelligence, being your most authentic and vulnerable self is the most valuable thing you can do. –Unknown

Yes, Everything Happens for a Reason and Everything Resolves to Gratitude. Knowing that each of us (as fractals) uplifts my mind and allows me to view life as a lively kaleidoscope grand design that moves about in an ever-expanding, revolving, melodious, consciousness. Three cheers to fighting back (overcoming the Programming) to be ‘who you really are.’

Enjoy (IN Joy) everything and love! Be Everything All the Time. May we all soar in ’24!

Yours in expanding, original and unique, spiraling consciousness,

Sheila “Spiral Sister” Murrey

Original and unique songs develop brain neural paths

We’re songwriters seeking placement of our original songs in TV, film, games, etc. We’re songwriters seeking bands to play our songs. Video content creators, filmmakers, podcasters, production companies, deejays, Vloggers, YouTubers, and more can use our original music and songs in movies, TV shows, video intros, and such. Everything is available at: Listen4Music.com

Excerpt from The Conversation(dot)com – link follows from the article, “How does the brain think.”

For more information on the research into creating new neural pathways in the brain and enhancing one’s cognition: https://theconversation.com/how-does-the-brain-think-224228?utm_source=join1440&utm_medium=email&utm_placement=newsletter

About us

My husband of 19 years, Richard Murrey, is an award-winning illustrator, plus he’s a seasoned guitarist, bass player, and songwriter (having penned over 400 original songs). You can view his artwork and hear original songs at: http://listen4music.com

Video of us performing Live: https://vimeo.com/416711742?ref=fb-share

About me, your Spiral Sister

My meme: For it is when we connect, we know we are all one. –Sheila “Spiral Sister” Murrey

Spiritually speaking

As a Minister and Spiritual Advisor, it is my pleasure to help you find a way to Connect with spirit. Our ever-living God Omniscience knows ALL. The invitation is open to you.

I speak and offer advice by invitation only. If you would love me to speak at your office, bookstore, crystal shop, acupuncture/chiropractor office, natural health foods store, art fair, music, or yoga festival–comment on this post or reach out to me via my social channels.

My books on Amazon

I have four books on Amazon. The two most recent are: Have Yourself a Wholly Vibrant Life: Reversing Asthma and Other Chronic Illness Naturally and Blue Eyes: Ethereal Messages of Connection.

The information provided is for educational purposes only and is not intended to treat, diagnose or prescribe.

Connect with us

Here are the social channels where I am most active:

June 15th – Let sleeping truths lie

It’s June 15th, 2024; We have an original pop song about truths. This is one of my all-time favorite songs that speaks deeply to me. I’m so drawn to the music and lyrics (that my clever husband Richard Murrey wrote) to create it. This intriguing song finds our pro singer, Bubba Hudson on vocals. A radio-ready original with hit song written all over it! Professionally mixed by Steven Cooper of Nashville, TN. 


Here’s the one-hundred-sixty-seventh new music post for 2024, as I consistently share a unique original song to educate and entertain ALL. Here’s the song:

I think because I grew up in a household where my mom often let sleeping truths lie, until she didn’t, it turned me into the type of person who always wanted to dig for the truth in every scenario and situation. (And people wonder why I’m drawn to conspiracies.)

Meme: When you’re trying to enjoy a movie but keep noticing the truths hidden in plain sight. –Unknown

Yes, Everything Happens for a Reason and Everything Resolves to Gratitude. Knowing that each of us (as fractals) uplifts my mind and allows me to view life as a lively kaleidoscope grand design that moves about in an ever-expanding, revolving, melodious, consciousness. Three cheers to seeing the light, figuring out what you will or won’t tolerate, to understand the forces that shaped you into ‘who we really are.’

Enjoy (IN Joy) everything and love! Be Everything All the Time. May we all soar in ’24!

Yours in expanding, shape-shifting, spiraling consciousness,

Sheila “Spiral Sister” Murrey

Unique original music enhances brain neural paths

We’re songwriters seeking placement of our original songs in TV, film, games, etc. We’re songwriters seeking bands to play our songs. Video content creators, filmmakers, podcasters, production companies, deejays, Vloggers, YouTubers, and more can use our original music and songs in movies, TV shows, video intros, and such. Everything is available at: Listen4Music.com

Excerpt from The Conversation(dot)com – link follows from the article, “How does the brain think.”

For more information on the research into creating new neural pathways in the brain and enhancing one’s cognition: https://theconversation.com/how-does-the-brain-think-224228?utm_source=join1440&utm_medium=email&utm_placement=newsletter

About us

My husband of 19 years, Richard Murrey, is an award-winning illustrator, plus he’s a seasoned guitarist, bass player, and songwriter (having penned over 400 original songs). You can view his artwork and hear original songs at: http://listen4music.com

Video of us performing Live: https://vimeo.com/416711742?ref=fb-share

About me, your Spiral Sister

My meme: For it is when we connect, we know we are all one. –Sheila “Spiral Sister” Murrey

Spiritually speaking

As a Minister and Spiritual Advisor, it is my pleasure to help you find a way to Connect with spirit. Our ever-living God Omniscience knows ALL. The invitation is open to you.

I speak and offer advice by invitation only. If you would love me to speak at your office, bookstore, crystal shop, acupuncture/chiropractor office, natural health foods store, art fair, music, or yoga festival–comment on this post or reach out to me via my social channels.

My books on Amazon

I have four books on Amazon. The two most recent are: Have Yourself a Wholly Vibrant Life: Reversing Asthma and Other Chronic Illness Naturally and Blue Eyes: Ethereal Messages of Connection.

The information provided is for educational purposes only and is not intended to treat, diagnose or prescribe.

Connect with us

Here are the social channels where I am most active:

June 14th – Lovebugs on the windshield of life

It’s June 14th, 2024; We have an original duet country song about lovebugs. Music and lyrics by my Florida-lovin’ husband Richard Murrey (but he wasn’t ever a big fan of lovebugs). We thought we saw a lovebug the other day here in New England though. This groovy country song features pro male and female voices that blend nicely. This radio-ready original song was mixed by Steven Cooper of Nashville, TN. 

Flying at ya

Here’s the one-hundred-sixty-sixth new music post for 2024, as I consistently fly out a unique original song to fascinate and entertain y’all. Here’s the song:


While swinging outside the other day with our granddaughters, I spied with my little eye (nod to the old children’s game of ‘I spy‘), what I guessed was a lovebug! I’d only ever seen lovebugs in Florida! I wasn’t sure, but it wasn’t a fly, mosquito, bee, or any other bug I knew, so I asked my daughter (when she came outside) if she thought we might have lovebugs this far north. She said, “We might have lovebugs here, but certainly not as many as y’all had in Florida“!

Photograph of me swinging when I was young. (Note: Dad’s CB radio tower in the background by the house.) –Sheila Murrey
Photograph of our eldest granddaughter when she was little (she’s 12 now, and we have 7 year old twin granddaughters too). We would always go swinging when I visited. –Sheila Murrey

Yes, Everything Happens for a Reason and Everything Resolves to Gratitude. Knowing that each of us (as fractals) uplifts my mind and allows me to view life as a lively kaleidoscope grand design that moves about in an ever-expanding, revolving, melodious, consciousness. Three cheers to swinging and feeling the rush of air fly by us!

Enjoy (IN Joy) everything and love! Be Everything All the Time. May we all soar in ’24!

Yours in expanding, swinging, spiraling consciousness,

Sheila “Spiral Sister” Murrey

Hearing new music builds brain neural paths

We’re songwriters seeking placement of our original songs in TV, film, games, etc. We’re songwriters seeking bands to play our songs. Video content creators, filmmakers, podcasters, production companies, deejays, Vloggers, YouTubers, and more can use our original music and songs in movies, TV shows, video intros, and such. Everything is available at: Listen4Music.com

Excerpt from The Conversation(dot)com – link follows from the article, “How does the brain think.”

For more information on the research into creating new neural pathways in the brain and enhancing one’s cognition: https://theconversation.com/how-does-the-brain-think-224228?utm_source=join1440&utm_medium=email&utm_placement=newsletter

About us

My husband of 19 years, Richard Murrey, is an award-winning illustrator, plus he’s a seasoned guitarist, bass player, and songwriter (having penned over 400 original songs). You can view his artwork and hear original songs at: http://listen4music.com

Video of us performing Live: https://vimeo.com/416711742?ref=fb-share

About me, your Spiral Sister

My meme: For it is when we connect, we know we are all one. –Sheila “Spiral Sister” Murrey

Spiritually speaking

As a Minister and Spiritual Advisor, it is my pleasure to help you find a way to Connect with spirit. Our ever-living God Omniscience knows ALL. The invitation is open to you.

I speak and offer advice by invitation only. If you would love me to speak at your office, bookstore, crystal shop, acupuncture/chiropractor office, natural health foods store, art fair, music, or yoga festival–comment on this post or reach out to me via my social channels.

My books on Amazon

I have four books on Amazon. The two most recent are: Have Yourself a Wholly Vibrant Life: Reversing Asthma and Other Chronic Illness Naturally and Blue Eyes: Ethereal Messages of Connection.

The information provided is for educational purposes only and is not intended to treat, diagnose or prescribe.

Connect with us

Here are the social channels where I am most active:

June 13th – Travelin’ guitar man

It’s June 13th, 2024; We have an original traditional country song about a guitar picker. Music and lyrics by my guitar picking husband Richard Murrey. This toe tappin’ country song features sweet guitar licks. Fans of George Strait will enjoy this. Another radio-ready original song mixed by Steven Cooper of Nashville, TN. 

Pick that guitar

Here’s the one-hundred-sixty-fifth new music post for 2024, as I consistently trot out a unique original song to fascinate and entertain y’all. Here’s the song:


One of our twin granddaughters loves to pick at Richard’s guitar and an old mandolin I inherited from my dad. She has no idea how to play nor the focus for Richard to teach her right now, but we are thrilled that she’s interested!

Meme: “…when we hand our children phones we steal their boredom…will never pick up their aunt’s guitar and start strumming.” –Glennon Doyle, Untamed

Yes, Everything Happens for a Reason and Everything Resolves to Gratitude. Knowing that each of us (as fractals) uplifts my mind and allows me to view life as a lively kaleidoscope grand design that moves about in an ever-expanding, revolving, melodious, consciousness. Three cheers to the creativity boredom inspires!

Enjoy (IN Joy) everything and love! Be Everything All the Time. May we all soar in ’24!

Yours in expanding, creative, spiraling consciousness,

Sheila “Spiral Sister” Murrey

New music inspires creativity and builds neural pathways in the brain

We’re songwriters seeking placement of our original songs in TV, film, games, etc. We’re songwriters seeking bands to play our songs. Video content creators, filmmakers, podcasters, production companies, deejays, Vloggers, YouTubers, and more can use our original music and songs in movies, TV shows, video intros, and such. Everything is available at: Listen4Music.com

Excerpt from The Conversation(dot)com – link follows from the article, “How does the brain think.”

For more information on the research into creating new neural pathways in the brain and enhancing one’s cognition: https://theconversation.com/how-does-the-brain-think-224228?utm_source=join1440&utm_medium=email&utm_placement=newsletter

About us

My husband of 19 years, Richard Murrey, is an award-winning illustrator, plus he’s a seasoned guitarist, bass player, and songwriter (having penned over 400 original songs). You can view his artwork and hear original songs at: http://listen4music.com

Video of us performing Live: https://vimeo.com/416711742?ref=fb-share

About me, your Spiral Sister

My meme: For it is when we connect, we know we are all one. –Sheila “Spiral Sister” Murrey

Spiritually speaking

As a Minister and Spiritual Advisor, it is my pleasure to help you find a way to Connect with spirit. Our ever-living God Omniscience knows ALL. The invitation is open to you.

I speak and offer advice by invitation only. If you would love me to speak at your office, bookstore, crystal shop, acupuncture/chiropractor office, natural health foods store, art fair, music, or yoga festival–comment on this post or reach out to me via my social channels.

My books on Amazon

I have four books on Amazon. The two most recent are: Have Yourself a Wholly Vibrant Life: Reversing Asthma and Other Chronic Illness Naturally and Blue Eyes: Ethereal Messages of Connection.

The information provided is for educational purposes only and is not intended to treat, diagnose or prescribe.

Connect with us

Here are the social channels where I am most active:

June 12th – Walkin’ my heart

It’s June 12th, 2024; We have an original rockin’ country song about walkin’. Music and lyrics by my lovin’ husband Richard Murrey. This mid tempo country song features a pro singer on vocals and hot guitar riffs. If you like George Strait (my husband is a big fan of his) I think you’ll love it. This radio-ready original song was mixed by Steven Cooper of Nashville, TN. 

I’m walkin’

Here’s the one-hundred-sixty-fourth new music post for 2024, as I consistently upload and press play on one of our unique original songs to enliven and entertain y’all. Now, here’s the song:

Walkin’ for the health of it

I always look for ways to relate one of Richard’s original songs to the topics I am passionate about, and today, I’ll focus on the heath benefits of walking:

Meme: “Over 70 percent of all modern day ailments presenting to doctors would be solved be: 1. Cutting carb/sugar intake in half and 2. Doubling amount walked. We make it so complicated. But it isn’t.” –Dr. Suneel Dhand

Yes, Everything Happens for a Reason and Everything Resolves to Gratitude. Knowing that each of us (as fractals) uplifts my mind and allows me to view life as a lively kaleidoscope grand design that moves about in an ever-expanding, revolving, melodious, consciousness. Walking is so good for our health. Let’s aim to do more of that.

Enjoy (IN Joy) everything and love! Be Everything All the Time. May we all soar in ’24!

Yours in expanding, walking around, spiraling consciousness,

Sheila “Spiral Sister” Murrey

Walk around to new music to enhance the brain

We’re songwriters seeking placement of our original songs in TV, film, games, etc. We’re songwriters seeking bands to play our songs. Video content creators, filmmakers, podcasters, production companies, deejays, Vloggers, YouTubers, and more can use our original music and songs in movies, TV shows, video intros, and such. Everything is available at: Listen4Music.com

Excerpt from The Conversation(dot)com – link follows from the article, “How does the brain think.”

For more information on the research into creating new neural pathways in the brain and enhancing one’s cognition: https://theconversation.com/how-does-the-brain-think-224228?utm_source=join1440&utm_medium=email&utm_placement=newsletter

About us

My husband of 19 years, Richard Murrey, is an award-winning illustrator, plus he’s a seasoned guitarist, bass player, and songwriter (having penned over 400 original songs). You can view his artwork and hear original songs at: http://listen4music.com

Video of us performing Live: https://vimeo.com/416711742?ref=fb-share

About me, your Spiral Sister

My meme: For it is when we connect, we know we are all one. –Sheila “Spiral Sister” Murrey

Spiritually speaking

As a Minister and Spiritual Advisor, it is my pleasure to help you find a way to Connect with spirit. Our ever-living God Omniscience knows ALL. The invitation is open to you.

I speak and offer advice by invitation only. If you would love me to speak at your office, bookstore, crystal shop, acupuncture/chiropractor office, natural health foods store, art fair, music, or yoga festival–comment on this post or reach out to me via my social channels.

My books on Amazon

I have four books on Amazon. The two most recent are: Have Yourself a Wholly Vibrant Life: Reversing Asthma and Other Chronic Illness Naturally and Blue Eyes: Ethereal Messages of Connection.

The information provided is for educational purposes only and is not intended to treat, diagnose or prescribe.

Connect with us

Here are the social channels where I am most active:

June 11th – Our next kiss

It’s June 11th, 2024; We have an original country pop song about kissing. Music and lyrics by my sweetie-pie husband Richard Murrey. This mid tempo country song features a pro female singer on vocals and a soft melody. This radio-ready original song was mixed by Steven Cooper of Nashville, TN. 


Here’s the one-hundred-sixty-third new music post for 2024, as I consistently offer one of our unique original songs to uplift and encourage ALL. Have a listen to the song:

Love the moment we’re in

In some ways I think we’re living in the best of times, and in other ways I miss the good-old days. Ah, the nostalgia of it. Ah, the curiosity of “What’s going to happen next?”

Meme: Teens today got it better with all those lyrics sites. –Pieces of Soul

Yes, Everything Happens for a Reason and Everything Resolves to Gratitude. Knowing that each of us (as fractals) uplifts my mind and allows me to view life as a lively kaleidoscope grand design that moves about in an ever-expanding, revolving, melodious, consciousness. A little bit of love goes a long way.

Enjoy (IN Joy) everything and love! Be Everything All the Time. May we all soar in ’24!

Yours in expanding, sitting-with-it, spiraling consciousness,

Sheila “Spiral Sister” Murrey

Listen curiously to unique music to engage the brain

We’re songwriters seeking placement of our original songs in TV, film, games, etc. We’re songwriters seeking bands to play our songs. Video content creators, filmmakers, podcasters, production companies, deejays, Vloggers, YouTubers, and more can use our original music and songs in movies, TV shows, video intros, and such. Everything is available at: Listen4Music.com

Excerpt from The Conversation(dot)com – link follows from the article, “How does the brain think.”

For more information on the research into creating new neural pathways in the brain and enhancing one’s cognition: https://theconversation.com/how-does-the-brain-think-224228?utm_source=join1440&utm_medium=email&utm_placement=newsletter

About us

My husband of 19 years, Richard Murrey, is an award-winning illustrator, plus he’s a seasoned guitarist, bass player, and songwriter (having penned over 400 original songs). You can view his artwork and hear original songs at: http://listen4music.com

Video of us performing Live: https://vimeo.com/416711742?ref=fb-share

About me, your Spiral Sister

My meme: For it is when we connect, we know we are all one. –Sheila “Spiral Sister” Murrey

Spiritually speaking

As a Minister and Spiritual Advisor, it is my pleasure to help you find a way to Connect with spirit. Our ever-living God Omniscience knows ALL. The invitation is open to you.

I speak and offer advice by invitation only. If you would love me to speak at your office, bookstore, crystal shop, acupuncture/chiropractor office, natural health foods store, art fair, music, or yoga festival–comment on this post or reach out to me via my social channels.

My books on Amazon

I have four books on Amazon. The two most recent are: Have Yourself a Wholly Vibrant Life: Reversing Asthma and Other Chronic Illness Naturally and Blue Eyes: Ethereal Messages of Connection.

The information provided is for educational purposes only and is not intended to treat, diagnose or prescribe.

Connect with us

Here are the social channels where I am most active:

June 10th – What would Jesus do?

It’s June 10th, 2024; We have an original Christian pop song to encourage us. This song was written (music and lyrics) by my Christian husband Richard Murrey. This mid tempo Christian song features Bubba Hudson on vocals and a soft melody. This radio-ready original song was mixed by Steven Cooper of Nashville, TN. 

Read the book

Here’s the one-hundred-sixty-second new music post for 2024, as I consistently promote one of our unique original songs for your listening enjoyment. Have a listen to the song:


I’ve often been a bit harsh when it comes to people needing religious guidance, yet I now consider myself a spiritual teacher. I have come to realize that while we strive to simply practice our beliefs, walk our talk, and so forth, sometimes we do need assistance, either from a sacred book, teacher, mentor, coach, or such.

You might also like to read the article I published a few months ago about The Book. I believe every sacred book can offer us guidance and encouragement. When people refer to the Holy Bible, I always ask “Which translation?” as I think there are so many different versions that we’d need to be ‘on the same page’ in order to have a deep dive discussion about it. I also think during the translation process a word or phrase has been altered from the original to change the meaning (purposefully or not) to suit someone’s agenda.

I think we each can grow strong enough spiritually, not to need the ‘training wheels’ of religion. I define religion as a ‘structure,’ ‘box,’ or ‘path’ that relies on discipline and duty to keep people adhering to it. I’d much rather meditate to commune with my Higher Power, God, Jesus, Krishna, Buddha, or such. But that’s because I’m a do-it-yourself, independent kind of person. I feel people need to honor that which serves them the most to grow their soul. I was always taught to study to “show thyself approved,” (biblical scripture) and thus found this to be ‘the way.’

Meme: So many people don’t live the way I do. I don’t consider that good or bad, simply different. –Sheila Murrey
My meme: “The Is-ness path. Everything is Spiritual.” –Sheila Murrey

Yes, Everything Happens for a Reason and Everything Resolves to Gratitude. Knowing that each of us (as fractals) uplifts my mind and allows me to view life as a lively kaleidoscope grand design that moves about in an ever-expanding, revolving, melodious, consciousness. Everything is multifaceted and interconnected, so it will all work out in the end.

Enjoy (IN Joy) everything and love! Be Everything All the Time. May we all soar in ’24!

Yours in expanding, sitting-with-it, spiraling consciousness,

Sheila “Spiral Sister” Murrey

Listen curiously to unique music to engage the brain

We’re songwriters seeking placement of our original songs in TV, film, games, etc. We’re songwriters seeking bands to play our songs. Video content creators, filmmakers, podcasters, production companies, deejays, Vloggers, YouTubers, and more can use our original music and songs in movies, TV shows, video intros, and such. Everything is available at: Listen4Music.com

Excerpt from The Conversation(dot)com – link follows from the article, “How does the brain think.”

For more information on the research into creating new neural pathways in the brain and enhancing one’s cognition: https://theconversation.com/how-does-the-brain-think-224228?utm_source=join1440&utm_medium=email&utm_placement=newsletter

About us

My husband of 19 years, Richard Murrey, is an award-winning illustrator, plus he’s a seasoned guitarist, bass player, and songwriter (having penned over 400 original songs). You can view his artwork and hear original songs at: http://listen4music.com

Video of us performing Live: https://vimeo.com/416711742?ref=fb-share

About me, your Spiral Sister

My meme: For it is when we connect, we know we are all one. –Sheila “Spiral Sister” Murrey

Spiritually speaking

As a Minister and Spiritual Advisor, it is my pleasure to help you find a way to Connect with spirit. Our ever-living God Omniscience knows ALL. The invitation is open to you.

I speak and offer advice by invitation only. If you would love me to speak at your office, bookstore, crystal shop, acupuncture/chiropractor office, natural health foods store, art fair, music, or yoga festival–comment on this post or reach out to me via my social channels.

My books on Amazon

I have four books on Amazon. The two most recent are: Have Yourself a Wholly Vibrant Life: Reversing Asthma and Other Chronic Illness Naturally and Blue Eyes: Ethereal Messages of Connection.

The information provided is for educational purposes only and is not intended to treat, diagnose or prescribe.

Connect with us

Here are the social channels where I am most active:

June 9th – What’s she runnin’ from?

It’s June 9th, 2024; We have an original rock song about a girl that seems to be running from something. This song was written (music and lyrics) by my always curious husband Richard Murrey. This mid tempo rock song features the smooth vocal delivery from Bubba Hudson, and mixed in a pro demo, radio-ready fashion by Steven Cooper of Nashville, TN. 

From the past or tomorrow

Here’s the one-hundred-sixty-first new music post for 2024, as I consistently toss another original song out into the multiverse for someone/anyone to hear and enjoy. Have a listen to the song:

Story songs

Richard loves to observe people and write story songs. He’s done this for far longer than he’s known me. When we started discussing what led him to write some of these songs, he has said he was always curious about why people make this or that choice or decision in life. And that fascinates me too, being one who writes a lot about moral ambiguities and multifaceted enigmas. I’ve always believed the truth lies somewhere in between. Now that I see everything in a multidimensional way, with each of us as fractals of Omniscience, this way of looking at life has become even less about facts and more nuanced.

Meme: Truth, a multifaceted story of a fact which none of us has a clue about. –Urfa
My meme: “Who wins in the end?” –Sheila Murrey

Yes, Everything Happens for a Reason and Everything Resolves to Gratitude. Knowing that each of us (as fractals) uplifts my mind and allows me to view life as a lively kaleidoscope grand design that moves about in an ever-expanding, revolving, melodious, consciousness. Just knowing how multifaceted everything is, and interconnected, makes me appreciate everything more (yes, even the little things), and take life more in stride.

Enjoy (IN Joy) everything and love! Be Everything All the Time. May we all soar in ’24!

Yours in expanding, curiously observing, spiraling consciousness,

Sheila “Spiral Sister” Murrey

New unique music can curiously engage the brain

We’re songwriters seeking placement of our original songs in TV, film, games, etc. We’re songwriters seeking bands to play our songs. Video content creators, filmmakers, podcasters, production companies, deejays, Vloggers, YouTubers, and more can use our original music and songs in movies, TV shows, video intros, and such. Everything is available at: Listen4Music.com

Excerpt from The Conversation(dot)com – link follows from the article, “How does the brain think.”

For more information on the research into creating new neural pathways in the brain and enhancing one’s cognition: https://theconversation.com/how-does-the-brain-think-224228?utm_source=join1440&utm_medium=email&utm_placement=newsletter

About us

My husband of 19 years, Richard Murrey, is an award-winning illustrator, plus he’s a seasoned guitarist, bass player, and songwriter (having penned over 400 original songs). You can view his artwork and hear original songs at: http://listen4music.com

Video of us performing Live: https://vimeo.com/416711742?ref=fb-share

About me, your Spiral Sister

My meme: For it is when we connect, we know we are all one. –Sheila “Spiral Sister” Murrey

Spiritually speaking

As a Minister and Spiritual Advisor, it is my pleasure to help you find a way to Connect with spirit. Our ever-living God Omniscience knows ALL. The invitation is open to you.

I speak and offer advice by invitation only. If you would love me to speak at your office, bookstore, crystal shop, acupuncture/chiropractor office, natural health foods store, art fair, music, or yoga festival–comment on this post or reach out to me via my social channels.

My books on Amazon

I have four books on Amazon. The two most recent are: Have Yourself a Wholly Vibrant Life: Reversing Asthma and Other Chronic Illness Naturally and Blue Eyes: Ethereal Messages of Connection.

The information provided is for educational purposes only and is not intended to treat, diagnose or prescribe.

Connect with us

Here are the social channels where I am most active:

June 8th – Melanoma

It’s June 8th, 2024; We have an original rock song about tanning and burning–ripe for summer! This song was written (music and lyrics) by my summer-lovin’ husband Richard Murrey. This upbeat rock song offers the smooth spooky vocals from Bubba Hudson, all sharply tanned and radio-ready–from our buddy, Steven Cooper of Nashville, TN. 

Before skin bronzers were a thing

Here’s the one-hundred-sixtieth new music post for 2024, as I consistently push out new original songs for your listening pleasure–while you are relaxing in the sun to get your golden glow on. Now, here’s the song:

Tanned and ready

I’m not one to slather on SPF this or that to prevent sunburn. I actually believe the sun has a purpose! I think we need to limit our time in full sun, and maybe that’s why some cultures began taking siesta during the day, but science says we need a certain amount of sun each day to create vitamin D in our bodies.

I used to use coconut oil on my skin (top to bottom) but didn’t know if I was doing the right thing until a veterinarian confirmed the use of coconut oil to prevent sunburn–he told me that when he was a youngster from the islands that all the parents slathered homemade coconut oil on their children from birth on to prevent the sun from burning their already dark skin! He encouraged me to use coconut oil on our dogs’ skin when one had a flaky itchy skin condition! I never bought another skin lotion for myself or my husband after that!

Meme: Life Hacks for 2024. –Tania The Herbalist
Screen capture from a health lecture: “The sun isn’t. your enemy. Wearing sunglasses increases sunburns.” –Stephanie Rimka

Yes, Everything Happens for a Reason and Everything Resolves to Gratitude. Knowing that each of us (as fractals) uplifts my mind and allows me to view life as a lively kaleidoscope grand design that moves about in an ever-expanding, revolving, melodious, consciousness. Coconut oil may not solve every skin condition, but I’d rather trust anything God made over anything manmade (and this is true for me in most instances too), as I always love to “go back to the source” as much as possible. I’m probably an anti-consumer. Ha!

Enjoy (IN Joy) everything and love! Be Everything All the Time. May we all soar in ’24!

Yours in expanding, source-trusting, spiraling consciousness,

Sheila “Spiral Sister” Murrey

Surrounding oneself with new unique music can rejuvenate the brain

We’re songwriters seeking placement of our original songs in TV, film, games, etc. We’re songwriters seeking bands to play our songs. Video content creators, filmmakers, podcasters, production companies, deejays, Vloggers, YouTubers, and more can use our original music and songs in movies, TV shows, video intros, and such. Everything is available at: Listen4Music.com

Excerpt from The Conversation(dot)com – link follows from the article, “How does the brain think.”

For more information on the research into creating new neural pathways in the brain and enhancing one’s cognition: https://theconversation.com/how-does-the-brain-think-224228?utm_source=join1440&utm_medium=email&utm_placement=newsletter

About us

My husband of 19 years, Richard Murrey, is an award-winning illustrator, plus he’s a seasoned guitarist, bass player, and songwriter (having penned over 400 original songs). You can view his artwork and hear original songs at: http://listen4music.com

Video of us performing Live: https://vimeo.com/416711742?ref=fb-share

About me, your Spiral Sister

My meme: For it is when we connect, we know we are all one. –Sheila “Spiral Sister” Murrey

Spiritually speaking

As a Minister and Spiritual Advisor, it is my pleasure to help you find a way to Connect with spirit. Our ever-living God Omniscience knows ALL. The invitation is open to you.

I speak and offer advice by invitation only. If you would love me to speak at your office, bookstore, crystal shop, acupuncture/chiropractor office, natural health foods store, art fair, music, or yoga festival–comment on this post or reach out to me via my social channels.

My books on Amazon

I have four books on Amazon. The two most recent are: Have Yourself a Wholly Vibrant Life: Reversing Asthma and Other Chronic Illness Naturally and Blue Eyes: Ethereal Messages of Connection.

The information provided is for educational purposes only and is not intended to treat, diagnose or prescribe.

Connect with us

Here are the social channels where I am most active:

June 7th – You text sexy

It’s June 7th, 2024; We have an original rock song about sexting! This song was written (music and lyrics) by my sexy husband Richard Murrey. This upbeat rock song includes vocals from Bubba Hudson, hot sax from the very talented John Heinrich, and all wrapped up and radio-ready–from the illustrious Steven Cooper of Nashville, TN. 

Before sexting was a thing

Here’s the one-hundred-fifty-ninth new music post for 2024, as I consistently share hot new original songs for your listening pleasure. Now, here’s the song:

Flip side of the coin

While sexting or sexy texting is fun, flirty, and frivolous (a seemingly “it’s isn’t hurting anyone”) activity, there can be downsides if one is doing these things outside of a monogamous relationship/marriage. Be warned, texting/sexting can be addictive and lead to trouble.

Unfortunately, while I love this song, it does remind me of a negative situation. Within my family, one of the guys became so addicted to sexting that it broke up his marriage. I won’t go into the details as it isn’t my story to tell, but suffice to say, it was hell on his wife. I wouldn’t wish that on anyone.

Photo of a book I love, I’m Over All That. –Shirley MacLaine

Yes, Everything Happens for a Reason and Everything Resolves to Gratitude. Knowing that each of us (as fractals) uplifts my mind and allows me to view life as a lively kaleidoscope grand design that moves about in an ever-expanding, revolving, melodious, consciousness. Not everyone can slough off misdeeds (like sexting to others) of their partners, so be forewarned and aware, too much (yes, even of a good thing) can create troubles where otherwise there’d be none. It’s taken me years to “get over” all that.

Enjoy (IN Joy) everything and love! Be Everything All the Time. May we all soar in ’24!

Yours in expanding, free-wheelin’, spiraling consciousness,

Sheila “Spiral Sister” Murrey

Hearing new unique music improves the brain

We’re songwriters seeking placement of our original songs in TV, film, games, etc. We’re songwriters seeking bands to play our songs. Video content creators, filmmakers, podcasters, production companies, deejays, Vloggers, YouTubers, and more can use our original music and songs in movies, TV shows, video intros, and such. Everything is available at: Listen4Music.com

Excerpt from The Conversation(dot)com – link follows from the article, “How does the brain think.”

For more information on the research into creating new neural pathways in the brain and enhancing one’s cognition: https://theconversation.com/how-does-the-brain-think-224228?utm_source=join1440&utm_medium=email&utm_placement=newsletter

About us

My husband of 19 years, Richard Murrey, is an award-winning illustrator, plus he’s a seasoned guitarist, bass player, and songwriter (having penned over 400 original songs). You can view his artwork and hear original songs at: http://listen4music.com

Video of us performing Live: https://vimeo.com/416711742?ref=fb-share

About me, your Spiral Sister

My meme: For it is when we connect, we know we are all one. –Sheila “Spiral Sister” Murrey

Spiritually speaking

As a Minister and Spiritual Advisor, it is my pleasure to help you find a way to Connect with spirit. Our ever-living God Omniscience knows ALL. The invitation is open to you.

I speak and offer advice by invitation only. If you would love me to speak at your office, bookstore, crystal shop, acupuncture/chiropractor office, natural health foods store, art fair, music, or yoga festival–comment on this post or reach out to me via my social channels.

My books on Amazon

I have four books on Amazon. The two most recent are: Have Yourself a Wholly Vibrant Life: Reversing Asthma and Other Chronic Illness Naturally and Blue Eyes: Ethereal Messages of Connection.

The information provided is for educational purposes only and is not intended to treat, diagnose or prescribe.

Connect with us

Here are the social channels where I am most active: