June 24th – I thought I knew love

It’s June 24th, 2024; We have a lovely original pop song with a key change! Beautiful and loving lyrics on this one! A radio-ready pop song with sweet female vocals and polished production by Steven Cooper of Nashville, TN. 

Whispering your name

Here’s the one-hundred-seventy-sixth new music post for 2024, as I consistently impress everyone (that clicks on the YouTube links to listen) with one of ‘oh, so many’ original songs. As this gal sings, “I thought I knew love, not until I met you.” This song sure describes how I feel about my dear husband, Richard.

How do you like the videos I’ve been sharing lately? The music videos with the lyrics on the screen. Richard created these videos a few years ago and I love the look of them. I’d planned to take them out for karaoke nights but each place I tried, either couldn’t play our USB mp3 files or didn’t have a screen to show the lyrics (these videos) from a site like YouTube. I have found some excellent karaoke people but most do not invest in the best equipment.


As we know, technology changes day-by-day and if one is going to go out and perform or run a karaoke operation, one must do their best to accommodate their customers (and performers). We’d run our own show but feel we’re getting too old for it.

I’ve sang in church choirs, school chorus, with a best friend as a duet (she played piano), and I’ve done karaoke singing (mostly in my 30s). I’ve sang with Richard, mostly at house parties, and a few videos, but I never wanted to be a singing ‘star.’

Photo: I’m second from the left in the top row. Singing in school chorus. Two of my best friends are in the row right in front of me. It reminds me how long I’ve been singing. –Sheila Murrey

Integrating the Soul

Yes, Everything Happens for a Reason and Everything Resolves to Gratitude. Knowing that each of us (as fractals) uplifts my mind and allows me to view life as a lively kaleidoscope grand design that moves about in an ever-expanding, revolving, melodious, consciousness. When I sing, I feel it in my body and soul.

Enjoy (IN Joy) everything and love! Be Everything All the Time. May we all soar in ’24!

Yours in expanding, singing, spiraling consciousness,

Sheila “Spiral Sister” Murrey

Hum or sing with unique music to spark brain activity

We’re songwriters seeking placement of our original songs in TV, film, games, etc. We’re songwriters seeking bands to play our songs. Video content creators, filmmakers, podcasters, production companies, deejays, Vloggers, YouTubers, and more can use our original music and songs in movies, TV shows, video intros, and such. Everything is available at: Listen4Music.com

Excerpt from The Conversation(dot)com – link follows from the article, “How does the brain think.”

For more information on the research into creating new neural pathways in the brain and enhancing one’s cognition: https://theconversation.com/how-does-the-brain-think-224228?utm_source=join1440&utm_medium=email&utm_placement=newsletter

About us

My husband of 19 years, Richard Murrey, is an award-winning illustrator, plus he’s a seasoned guitarist, bass player, and songwriter (having penned over 400 original songs). You can view his artwork and hear original songs at: http://listen4music.com

Video of us performing Live: https://vimeo.com/416711742?ref=fb-share

About me, your Spiral Sister

My meme: Critical thinking skills. –Sheila “Spiral Sister” Murrey

Spiritually speaking

As a Minister and Spiritual Advisor, it is my pleasure to help you find a way to Connect with spirit. Our ever-living God Omniscience knows ALL. The invitation is open to you.

I speak and offer advice by invitation only. If you would love me to speak at your office, bookstore, crystal shop, acupuncture/chiropractor office, natural health foods store, art fair, music, or yoga festival–comment on this post or reach out to me via my social channels.

My books on Amazon

I have four books on Amazon. The two most recent are: Have Yourself a Wholly Vibrant Life: Reversing Asthma and Other Chronic Illness Naturally and Blue Eyes: Ethereal Messages of Connection.

The information provided is for educational purposes only and is not intended to treat, diagnose or prescribe.

Connect with us

Here are the social channels where I am most active:

June 20th – Take it back

It’s June 20th, 2024; Today, we have an original pop song for you. How many times have you asked someone to “take it back”? This female pro singer did such a good job on this song. Studio production by Steven Cooper of Nashville, TN. 

The gals can sing

Here’s the one-hundred-seventy-second new music post for 2024, as I make consistent forward progress playing one of our original songs each day for your enjoyment. Take a listen and let us know what you think of this song, Take it Back, from The Gals Can Sing album:

We know there’s a lot of glut of music out there and it’s difficult to find sweet tunes like this out there. That’s why at the start of 2024 I had an idea to devote a blog article to each one (thought it will take me more than a year to showcase each one since Richard has written nearly 500 original songs).

Speaking of ‘taking things back’

I can help you move your mind back to center (neutral). It’s the main reason I offer Integrating the Spirals process.

My meme: “If everything happens for a reason is too much of a leap or you find yourself in overwhelm, this process (Integrating the Spirals) helps one come up with a mantra to move your mind back to center.” –Sheila Murrey

Yes, Everything Happens for a Reason and Everything Resolves to Gratitude. Knowing that each of us (as fractals) uplifts my mind and allows me to view life as a lively kaleidoscope grand design that moves about in an ever-expanding, revolving, melodious, consciousness. Don’t stay in overwhelm, shift your mind back to neutral and relax.

Enjoy (IN Joy) everything and love! Be Everything All the Time. May we all soar in ’24!

Yours in expanding, centering, spiraling consciousness,

Sheila “Spiral Sister” Murrey

Let our original songs stimulated your brain

We’re songwriters seeking placement of our original songs in TV, film, games, etc. We’re songwriters seeking bands to play our songs. Video content creators, filmmakers, podcasters, production companies, deejays, Vloggers, YouTubers, and more can use our original music and songs in movies, TV shows, video intros, and such. Everything is available at: Listen4Music.com

Excerpt from The Conversation(dot)com – link follows from the article, “How does the brain think.”

For more information on the research into creating new neural pathways in the brain and enhancing one’s cognition: https://theconversation.com/how-does-the-brain-think-224228?utm_source=join1440&utm_medium=email&utm_placement=newsletter

About us

My husband of 19 years, Richard Murrey, is an award-winning illustrator, plus he’s a seasoned guitarist, bass player, and songwriter (having penned over 400 original songs). You can view his artwork and hear original songs at: http://listen4music.com

Video of us performing Live: https://vimeo.com/416711742?ref=fb-share

About me, your Spiral Sister

My meme: Critical thinking skills. –Sheila “Spiral Sister” Murrey

Spiritually speaking

As a Minister and Spiritual Advisor, it is my pleasure to help you find a way to Connect with spirit. Our ever-living God Omniscience knows ALL. The invitation is open to you.

I speak and offer advice by invitation only. If you would love me to speak at your office, bookstore, crystal shop, acupuncture/chiropractor office, natural health foods store, art fair, music, or yoga festival–comment on this post or reach out to me via my social channels.

My books on Amazon

I have four books on Amazon. The two most recent are: Have Yourself a Wholly Vibrant Life: Reversing Asthma and Other Chronic Illness Naturally and Blue Eyes: Ethereal Messages of Connection.

The information provided is for educational purposes only and is not intended to treat, diagnose or prescribe.

Connect with us

Here are the social channels where I am most active:

May 12th – Cards and letters

It’s May 12th, 2024; Here’s an original slow country song sung by a female singer (pro from Nashville, TN not me). She sings about love expressed through cards and letters. Though the song isn’t about moms or traditional love letters (it’s more about the secret life that some live). But at least it’s about love on this Mother’s Day. Exquisite production mix by Steven Cooper, Nashville, TN. 

Happy Mother’s Day

Here’s the one-hundred-thirty-third new music post for 2024, as I stay true to my consistent approach in sharing one of Richard’s original songs each day this year. This is an older song and when I first heard it years ago, I thought the melody was so pretty. It also reminded me of my mom and the fact that my dad hid things from her (not letters though) for much of their married life. I think many people live this kind of double life. Sad. But I’ve found that even sadness has a purpose–watch the movie Inside Out.

Time with my daughter (and grands)

My daughter and I went to our first art fused glass class together last night (at the art shop where my daughter works, and the place I’d taken our eldest granddaughter when she was about 4 years old to paint ceramics).

This was our one-on-one Mother’s Day celebration. One of the plant spikes I made (of course) included a blue glass spiral! Ha! Perhaps when this class is offered again, or I have the opportunity, I’ll make a treble clef design (I was still recuperating from the stomach bug so it was all I could do to attend and attempt to keep my mind on what I was learning and creating). My daughter’s plant spikes were much prettier than mine! Smile!

Me and my daughter at our first fused art glass class together. 5-11-2024

I’m sooo enjoying living next door to her and I’m waiting for our granddaughters to come over and visit us (and give daughter a break) for a few hours today. I’ve missed so much of their lives. I know I can’t make up for lost time but I’m sure going to enjoy what time we have!

Meme: “Best thing you could probably do as a father is make sure they see how much you love their mother.” By Matthew McConaughey (shared on Facebook by my N. Cheyenne singer, seamstress, and friend Shelley Morningsong).

Enjoy (IN Joy) everything and love! Be Everything All the Time.

May we all soar in ’24! Everything happens for a reason–and we can shift our perspectives until we can find the enjoyment, so we can live FREE!

Yours in expanding, enjoying all things, spiraling consciousness,

Sheila “Spiral Sister” Murrey

Neural pathways rise to the occasion while listening to unique original music

We’re songwriters seeking placement of our original songs in TV, film, games, etc. We’re songwriters seeking bands to play our songs. Video content creators, filmmakers, podcasters, production companies, deejays, Vloggers, YouTubers, and more can use our original music and songs in movies, TV shows, video intros, and such. Everything is available at: Listen4Music.com

Excerpt from The Conversation(dot)com – link follows from the article, “How does the brain think.”

For more information on the research into creating new neural pathways in the brain and enhancing one’s cognition: https://theconversation.com/how-does-the-brain-think-224228?utm_source=join1440&utm_medium=email&utm_placement=newsletter

About us

My husband of 19 years, Richard Murrey, is an award-winning illustrator, plus he’s a seasoned guitarist, bass player, and songwriter (having penned over 400 original songs). You can view his artwork and hear original songs at: http://listen4music.com

Video of us performing Live: https://vimeo.com/416711742?ref=fb-share

About me, your Spiral Sister

My meme: Why do bad things happen to good people? Because evil (the opposite of live) lies in the hearts of humans.

Spiritually speaking

As a Minister and Spiritual Advisor, it is my pleasure to help you find a way to Connect with spirit. Our ever-living God Omniscience knows ALL. The invitation is open to you.

I speak and offer advice by invitation only. If you would love me to speak at your office, bookstore, crystal shop, acupuncture/chiropractor office, natural health foods store, art fair, music, or yoga festival–comment on this post or reach out to me via my social channels.

My books on Amazon

I have four books on Amazon. The two most recent are: Have Yourself a Wholly Vibrant Life: Reversing Asthma and Other Chronic Illness Naturally and Blue Eyes: Ethereal Messages of Connection.

The information provided is for educational purposes only and is not intended to treat, diagnose or prescribe.

Connect with us

Here are the social channels where I am most active: