June 28th – You’re why I’m still here

It’s June 28th, 2024; We have an original country love song for you today. This is a traditional-sounding country song. It’s gender-neutral. The professional female on this tune sings it in an effortless, sultry voice. It is a mid-tempo, radio-ready original love song mixed by Steven Cooper in Nashville, TN. 

Love song

Here’s the one-hundred-seventy-ninth new music post for 2024, as I consistently put forward a new original, unique song to uplift and entertain:

My second child, was why I stayed with my first husband (for the first few years).

My son (now in his 40s), was conceived after I went to the movies with my best friend and saw Endless Love. To say the film, Endless Love influenced me would be an understatement! The movie touched my heart so deeply that though I knew I was in a bad marriage, I left the theater and headed home thinking about having another baby (and subsequently, that’s what happened).

I don’t think my first husband wanted another child. He, nor his family, were that excited about us having a boy either (our first was a girl). Since I was young I knew I wanted at least two children (by the same man) because I’d been an only child and didn’t want to wish that experience on a child. Also, I had friends in my teens who had one baby by one guy and then more by others and had all kinds of trouble with visiting them, collecting child support, etc. I never wanted to deal with that!

If you’re not familiar with Endless Love here a brief description:

Screen capture: “Endless Love” Diana Ross & Lionel Richie | Hot 100 Peak: No. 1 for nine weeks (1981). Found at: https://www.billboard.com/lists/top-love-songs-all-time/endless-love-diana-ross-lionel-richie-hot-100-peak-no-1-for-nine-weeks-1981-2/

After I had my baby boy, I began thinking about how programmed and conditioned we are by Hollywood. The movies they make in Hollywood are supposed to reflect life and human nature, but I get more and more the feeling that the ‘powers that be’ subconsciously steer us in certain directions. There’s just too much political motivation in most shows (especially Disney these days), unfortunately. I see through their charade!

I’ve forgiven my first husband (long ago) for the unhappy marriage we both endured. We fought too much. I yelled and cried too much. But we brought two children into the world who are now loving, productive citizens. I am glad we had the opportunity to live on the same off-grid property with my son a few years ago (though I was still working from home then and doing all the off-grid stuff was hard). It gave me a chance to really get to know and love my son for the person he’s become. And now, I’m getting the same opportunity with my daughter–as we live next door to her and our granddaughters. Well, life goes on, as ‘they’ say! Forgive and let live in love.

Balancing it out with love

My meme: “You are so loved and Connected! Just open to it. Trust. You are where you’re supposed to be, NOW. –Sheila Murrey

Forgive ourselves and others in endless love

Yes, Everything Happens for a Reason and Everything Resolves to Gratitude. Knowing that each of us (as fractals) uplifts my mind and allows me to view life as a lively kaleidoscope grand design that moves about in an ever-expanding, revolving, melodious, consciousness. The more we can forgive ourselves and others, the more endlessly loving we become. And hopefully, the more loving the world becomes.

Enjoy (IN Joy) everything and love! Be Everything All the Time. May we all soar in ’24!

Yours in expanding, endlessly loving, spiraling consciousness,

Sheila “Spiral Sister” Murrey

About us

We’re songwriters seeking placement of our original songs in TV, film, games, etc. We’re songwriters seeking bands to play our songs. Video content creators, filmmakers, podcasters, production companies, deejays, Vloggers, YouTubers, and more can use our original music and songs in movies, TV shows, video intros, and such. Everything is available at: Listen4Music.com

My husband of 19 years, Richard Murrey, is an award-winning illustrator, plus he’s a seasoned guitarist, bass player, and songwriter (having penned over 400 original songs). You can view his artwork and hear original songs at: http://listen4music.com

Video of us performing Live: https://vimeo.com/416711742?ref=fb-share

About me, your Spiral Sister

My meme: What I’ve learned about (traveling in the US / travelling everywhere else) an ever recurring spiral to improve and stop making the same mistakes. –Sheila “Spiral Sister” Murrey

Spiritually speaking

As a Minister and Spiritual Advisor, it is my pleasure to help you find a way to Connect with spirit. Our ever-living God Omniscience knows ALL. The invitation is open to you.

I speak and offer advice by invitation only. If you would love me to speak at your office, bookstore, crystal shop, acupuncture/chiropractor office, natural health foods store, art fair, music, or yoga festival–comment on this post or reach out to me via my social channels.

My books on Amazon

I have four books on Amazon. The two most recent are: Have Yourself a Wholly Vibrant Life: Reversing Asthma and Other Chronic Illness Naturally and Blue Eyes: Ethereal Messages of Connection.

The information provided is for educational purposes only and is not intended to treat, diagnose or prescribe.

Connect with us

Here are the social channels where I am most active:

June 27th – Toy soldiers

It’s June 27th, 2024; We have an original jazz blues rock song about those who grew into soldiers. Bubba Hudson sings this slow-tempo jazzy bluesy rock story song. A beautiful tribute to our Veterans. A radio-ready original song mixed by Steven Cooper in Nashville, TN. 

Like brothers soldiers are family

Here’s the one-hundred-seventy-ninth new music post for 2024, as I consistently present a new original, unique song to educate, and in this case, honor our soldiers and Veterans:

I must say this song touches my heart. I am so grateful for the men and women who serve and have served in our Armed Forces to keep the USA free. And one of our first freedoms was the freedom of speech. 

Freedom to speak freely allows everything I publish in this blog and in our songwriting to happen. I recognize “loose lips sink ships,” and that a proper and moral government (people of integrity within it) has made our nation what it is today and that if we turn our back on the principles that made it great, we could lose it. But I also respect the whistleblowers when the government becomes too large, unwieldy, and tyrannical (or worse, dictatorial)! For these reasons, I am glad Julian Assange is now free to return to Australia. 

People lose interest in things (like fighting the good fight). I wish nations didn’t need soldiers but at this stage in our collective awareness/consciousness, some people still believe we need to rule with the heavy hand of fear (or more leaders and people in government are corrupt than I’d care to imagine). I can’t see into that murky abyss. I only know what motivates me.

If you stand for something do it now before people lose interest. Most of us have short attention spans. People grow up and grow old. This is why whatever we sincerely feel we need to do needs to be done now.

Meme about doing things ‘later’ so you have no regrets because you had the chance. –Unknown

Balancing it all with love

Love and honor

Yes, Everything Happens for a Reason and Everything Resolves to Gratitude. Knowing that each of us (as fractals) uplifts my mind and allows me to view life as a lively kaleidoscope grand design that moves about in an ever-expanding, revolving, melodious, consciousness. The more love, honor, and respect for ALL, the freer the world becomes. Freedom is a great lubricant to keep the ‘machine’ of a country working.

Enjoy (IN Joy) everything and love! Be Everything All the Time. May we all soar in ’24!

Yours in expanding, freedom-loving, spiraling consciousness,

Sheila “Spiral Sister” Murrey

About us

We’re songwriters seeking placement of our original songs in TV, film, games, etc. We’re songwriters seeking bands to play our songs. Video content creators, filmmakers, podcasters, production companies, deejays, Vloggers, YouTubers, and more can use our original music and songs in movies, TV shows, video intros, and such. Everything is available at: Listen4Music.com

My husband of 19 years, Richard Murrey, is an award-winning illustrator, plus he’s a seasoned guitarist, bass player, and songwriter (having penned over 400 original songs). You can view his artwork and hear original songs at: http://listen4music.com

Video of us performing Live: https://vimeo.com/416711742?ref=fb-share

About me, your Spiral Sister

My meme: What I’ve learned about (traveling in the US / travelling everywhere else) an ever recurring spiral to improve and stop making the same mistakes. –Sheila “Spiral Sister” Murrey

Spiritually speaking

As a Minister and Spiritual Advisor, it is my pleasure to help you find a way to Connect with spirit. Our ever-living God Omniscience knows ALL. The invitation is open to you.

I speak and offer advice by invitation only. If you would love me to speak at your office, bookstore, crystal shop, acupuncture/chiropractor office, natural health foods store, art fair, music, or yoga festival–comment on this post or reach out to me via my social channels.

My books on Amazon

I have four books on Amazon. The two most recent are: Have Yourself a Wholly Vibrant Life: Reversing Asthma and Other Chronic Illness Naturally and Blue Eyes: Ethereal Messages of Connection.

The information provided is for educational purposes only and is not intended to treat, diagnose or prescribe.

Connect with us

Here are the social channels where I am most active:

June 26th – What the blues is for

It’s June 26th, 2024; We have a hot new original blues song. I love the way Bubba Hudson sings this rockin’ blues tune. A radio-ready original full of guitar and piano work that Steven Cooper put together in the studio for us in Nashville, TN. We couldn’t be more pleased with the production quality of this pro demo.

Velvet glove

Here’s the one-hundred-seventy-eighth new music post for 2024, as I consistently give you a hot new original, unique song to educate, uplift spirit and mood, and entertain ALL. This song slides on and fits so well, like a velvet glove.

I’ve written about how we can use music to reach our soul, stir it, energize us, balance ourselves, stimulate new neural activity, and even grow new neural pathways.

I continuously check myself to see how I’ve evolved over the years. I check myself, edit my words, and pat myself on the back (literally!) when I observe improvements. I must do this because I can certainly tear myself down. Yet I know self-acknowledgment is one of the best things I can do to give myself love.

My meme (from 5 years ago on Facebook) about learning at differing rates of speed and how judging others wears us down. –Sheila Murrey, Integrating the Spirals

Music for balance

Opening and balancing our chakras

Yes, Everything Happens for a Reason and Everything Resolves to Gratitude. Knowing that each of us (as fractals) uplifts my mind and allows me to view life as a lively kaleidoscope grand design that moves about in an ever-expanding, revolving, melodious, consciousness. The more I listen to blues songs that reach down to my soul, the more open and free-turning my sacral chakra! The more I integrate ALL I’ve learned the better I feel too!

Enjoy (IN Joy) everything and love! Be Everything All the Time. May we all soar in ’24!

Yours in expanding, chakra-balancing, spiraling consciousness,

Sheila “Spiral Sister” Murrey

About us

We’re songwriters seeking placement of our original songs in TV, film, games, etc. We’re songwriters seeking bands to play our songs. Video content creators, filmmakers, podcasters, production companies, deejays, Vloggers, YouTubers, and more can use our original music and songs in movies, TV shows, video intros, and such. Everything is available at: Listen4Music.com

My husband of 19 years, Richard Murrey, is an award-winning illustrator, plus he’s a seasoned guitarist, bass player, and songwriter (having penned over 400 original songs). You can view his artwork and hear original songs at: http://listen4music.com

Video of us performing Live: https://vimeo.com/416711742?ref=fb-share

About me, your Spiral Sister

My meme: What I’ve learned about (traveling in the US / travelling everywhere else) an ever recurring spiral to improve and stop making the same mistakes. –Sheila “Spiral Sister” Murrey

Spiritually speaking

As a Minister and Spiritual Advisor, it is my pleasure to help you find a way to Connect with spirit. Our ever-living God Omniscience knows ALL. The invitation is open to you.

I speak and offer advice by invitation only. If you would love me to speak at your office, bookstore, crystal shop, acupuncture/chiropractor office, natural health foods store, art fair, music, or yoga festival–comment on this post or reach out to me via my social channels.

My books on Amazon

I have four books on Amazon. The two most recent are: Have Yourself a Wholly Vibrant Life: Reversing Asthma and Other Chronic Illness Naturally and Blue Eyes: Ethereal Messages of Connection.

The information provided is for educational purposes only and is not intended to treat, diagnose or prescribe.

Connect with us

Here are the social channels where I am most active:

Integrating the Spirals: To prevent situations such as this (Dr. Mercola versus Barbara Loe Fisher) and embrace ALL of our emotions

One of the things we didn’t do, but I had dreamed of doing, was to take my husband to visit the wonderful monuments in Washington, D.C. I’d hoped that when we moved from Florida to New England we could at least see the Lincoln Memorial, but we took back roads around all the major cities instead (due to much of the civil unrest going on in the USA these days). If you would rather listen instead of read, play the audio (and there’s a few minutes of BONUS info on the audio this time too!):

Here’s the situation in Barbara Loe Fisher’s words

I can imagine how shocked and disturbed Barbara Loe Fisher was when Dr. Mercola abruptly dissolved their longtime partnership and discontinued funding her charitable organization, the non-profit National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), and caused her to move the Truth and Freedom Monument placed a year ago (see the Instagram post) at the site of Dr. Mercola’s Cape Coral, Florida business–here’s her story.

Screen capture: Instagram video image of Barbara Loe Fisher in front of the monument.

Since I don’t have Dr. Mercola’s side of the story, I will submit a few articles I found (which Barbara may have also referenced).

Here’s the article, Dr. Mercola consulted with psychic before axing top executives from Natural Products Insider.

Here’s a link to Kai Clay’s Bahlon site.

When we feel hurt and rejected

I took my daughter and eldest granddaughter to see Inside Out 2 last night and the main takeaway I got from it is that we need to be able to embrace ALL of our emotions. (Not to give away the essence of the film.) Of course, I aim to help myself and others embrace our emotions in a balanced way.

It was also interesting (and a bit of a synchronicity) to see my Facebook Memories today from a year ago when I posted the following:

My meme: 1 year ago I posted this meme that “It’s time to take WOO – WOO out of the box.” –Sheila Murrey
How have I done? Have I taken enough WOO – WOO out of the box this last year for you? Have I triggered you with any of my posts?

When we feel hurt or rejected, we have a very powerful choice in that moment. We can react out of anger or fear, or we can sit in stillness and go within to clear another layer of past trauma (like peeling layers of an onion one at a time), to be able to feel better when similar situations occur in the future–and as humans it seems, we will always face challenges that can potentially trigger our emotions. I aim to help you acknowledge those moments, clear the trauma, and live with more ease in peace.

My meme: “Did you know the CDC schedule has 79 shots ready for children from birth to 18 years of age? I was born in the 60s and got about 10.” What is going on? Who makes these decisions? True health is not about continuing to vaccinate ourselves. There’s much more to it than that.

I will always believe the definition of true health is to have the ability of mind, body, spirit, and soul and move freely throughout this world in a unique and individual human body experiencing as much joy as possible. 

Each of us carries the power of Omniscience inside of us (some mistake this phenomenon as each of us “being a god”), we can feel hurt and rejected when someone, especially someone we care for and who has cared for us, puts us off, cancels, or defunds us (or shoves something down our throat either literally or proverbially speaking). It’s how one feels when they are fired from a job or abandoned by a spouse or other loved one. In those moments we feel we aren’t a good person, or that we could have done better. We feel hurt down to our most basic of self-beliefs.

If we can simply sit with our feelings, breathe, look through a kaleidoscope or play with a mirror ball (two of the tools I use during an Integrating the Spirals session), or go for a walk and take a good long look at a tree, we may find a sense of relief. We are simply part of the whole. We are a fractal of Omniscience (All That Is).

At the basis of it ALL

I find it easy to maintain a sense of Ego-less meekness when I keep in mind the limitlessness of Omniscience God, and I have written often on the topic. It is the basis for Integrating the Spirals and the bigger picture as well. The result of this self-improvement is to reach the point where we can understand (and befriend the mantra) that in the end, Everything Resolves to Gratitude.

Read my previous post: Limitless God.

Read my previous post: Continuing thoughts on Limitless God.

Yours in expanding, revolving, limitless, spiraling consciousness,

To our better health, ease, and sustaining lives of JOY!

Sheila “Spiral Sister” Murrey

Audio provided by Otter. Edited with Grammarly.

What I am known for

Be the best version of who you want to be–because if you’re reading my words your soul is probably beckoning you to align with it and live up to your highest ideals. Not perfect because who is perfect? Most stagnate or ‘get stuck’ while on their way to being whatever they think perfection is. Making progress is enough. Carrying your Karma lightly is enough. Be kind to yourself while living responsibly. Who you ARE affects us ALL. We Are All Connected.

Energy/Omniscience (Omnism) governs ALL. Omniscience knows ALL. Omniscience is always with you. You are never alone.

My online Zoom video course, Integrating the Spirals is more timely now than ever because I know people are suffering. (Let me know if you’re interested in working through the Integrating the Spirals course.)

As an empath I want to help ease suffering and raise our vibration to offer hope. I want to uplift others and expand our collective consciousness. I teach breath work and meditation so we appreciate the value of Detachment. We till our inner soil with our breath to calm the amygdala and institute peace. Meditation is an easy way to Connect us with spirit, higher selves, Omniscience God, and receive non-programmed personal guidance.

The information provided is for educational purposes only and is not intended to treat, diagnose or prescribe.

About us

My husband is an award-winning illustrator, plus he’s a seasoned guitarist, bass player, and songwriter (with over 400 original songs). You can view some of his artwork and listen to all of his songs at: http://listen4music.com

Here’s a video of us performing on Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/416711742?ref=fb-share

About me, your Spiral Sister

I would love to speak at your bookstore, crystal shop, acupuncture/chiropractor office, natural health foods store, art fair, music, or yoga festival. I support healthy lifestyle businesses. 

My 4th book is on Amazon and the link where you can check it out (Kindle has the purple cover and the paperback has the yellow cover, but the content is the same): Have Yourself a Wholly Vibrant Life: Reversing Asthma and Other Chronic Illness Naturally

I invite you to check out my metaphysical book–Blue Eyes: Ethereal Messages of Connection. There are two versions (Kindle and paperback) on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3WV68KF

I’m an Amazon bestselling author of two co-authored books: “Transform Your Life Book 2 Inspirational Stories and Expert Advice” and “Energy of Receiving” available on Amazon.


For more spiritual and esoteric updates, who we’re connecting with in Ocala, Florida and more, follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/takeonyour

June 18th – It’s over my head

It’s June 18th, 2024; We have an original unique rock song written for heads made of clay. Richard wrote this rock song (music and lyrics) before he met me, but it suits me to a T. He’s told me many times that I’m “over his head.” He’s as profound as me though. I love the melody and guitar riffs on this song, and yes, it’s one of my favorites. Einstein Hawking way are one of my favorite lines. Bubba Hudson sings this with some emotion. A snappy, radio-ready, studio mix was done by Steven Cooper of Nashville, TN. 

Love life with no rehearsal

Here’s the one-hundred-seventieth new music post for 2024, as I consistently extrude a unique original song from Richard’s vast song catalog to educate and entertain the masses. But maybe, like The Why Files, we offer music for high IQ, critical thinkers!

I agree with Aldous Huxley in his statement, “Unlike the masses, intellectuals have a taste for rationality and interest in facts. Their critical habit of mind makes them resistant to the kind of propaganda that works so well on the majority.”

When Richard and I met for the first time in person (we’d met online and communicated for months first), we had set the date for drinks and I’d taken my two doggies with me. Our date lasted for 4 hours! I think that’s because we are both deep and critical thinkers. Our server had been working on becoming a vet tech and she made us go get my dogs out of the car, walk, and feed them because she was so worried (though it was a cool and rainy day and they were very used to traveling with me). I took them along because it had been a drive to get to our meeting spot and so they could be my excuse to leave had the date went south. LOL

Meme: “Unlike the masses… critical habit of mind…” –Aldous Huxley
Meme: “Common people will believe anything if they are frightened. But critically-thinking people will look for deception and find the truth through the smokescreen of fear. Listen to critical thinkers, not fearful reactors.” –Dr. Suzanne Humphries

Yes, Everything Happens for a Reason and Everything Resolves to Gratitude. Knowing that each of us (as fractals) uplifts my mind and allows me to view life as a lively kaleidoscope grand design that moves about in an ever-expanding, revolving, melodious, consciousness. Question and study everything you can (without reacting in fear) to continue expanding your mind.

Enjoy (IN Joy) everything and love! Be Everything All the Time. May we all soar in ’24!

Yours in expanding, fearless querying, spiraling consciousness,

Sheila “Spiral Sister” Murrey

Unheard songs stimulate brain neural paths

We’re songwriters seeking placement of our original songs in TV, film, games, etc. We’re songwriters seeking bands to play our songs. Video content creators, filmmakers, podcasters, production companies, deejays, Vloggers, YouTubers, and more can use our original music and songs in movies, TV shows, video intros, and such. Everything is available at: Listen4Music.com

Excerpt from The Conversation(dot)com – link follows from the article, “How does the brain think.”

For more information on the research into creating new neural pathways in the brain and enhancing one’s cognition: https://theconversation.com/how-does-the-brain-think-224228?utm_source=join1440&utm_medium=email&utm_placement=newsletter

About us

My husband of 19 years, Richard Murrey, is an award-winning illustrator, plus he’s a seasoned guitarist, bass player, and songwriter (having penned over 400 original songs). You can view his artwork and hear original songs at: http://listen4music.com

Video of us performing Live: https://vimeo.com/416711742?ref=fb-share

About me, your Spiral Sister

My meme: Critical thinking skills. –Sheila “Spiral Sister” Murrey

Spiritually speaking

As a Minister and Spiritual Advisor, it is my pleasure to help you find a way to Connect with spirit. Our ever-living God Omniscience knows ALL. The invitation is open to you.

I speak and offer advice by invitation only. If you would love me to speak at your office, bookstore, crystal shop, acupuncture/chiropractor office, natural health foods store, art fair, music, or yoga festival–comment on this post or reach out to me via my social channels.

My books on Amazon

I have four books on Amazon. The two most recent are: Have Yourself a Wholly Vibrant Life: Reversing Asthma and Other Chronic Illness Naturally and Blue Eyes: Ethereal Messages of Connection.

The information provided is for educational purposes only and is not intended to treat, diagnose or prescribe.

Connect with us

Here are the social channels where I am most active:

June 17th – What’s mine is yours

It’s June 17th, 2024; We have an original unique rock song written for such a time as this. Richard wrote this rock song (music and lyrics) to encourage more giving. Too many takers out there! It shows off hefty guitar licks and riffs, as well as Bubba Hudson’s solid vocals. A slick, radio-ready, studio mix produced by Steven Cooper of Nashville, TN. 

Ain’t no video or catalog clone

Here’s the one-hundred-sixty-ninth new music post for 2024, as I consistently dole out a unique original song to educate and entertain. In the age of anti-corporation, anti-capitalism and anti-greed, check it out:

I recall few times in my life where I’ve felt the ping of jealousy. I think my mom did a wonderful job of raising me not to be jealous. I also think I’ve worked on myself a lot over the years to let go of anything I was afraid to lose. Hold on loosely has been my motto since I first heard that song as a teenager. Even as an only child, I was taught to share.

Meme: Yoda says, “Attachment leads to jealousy. The shadow of greed that is. Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose.” –MoralMindsets

Yes, Everything Happens for a Reason and Everything Resolves to Gratitude. Knowing that each of us (as fractals) uplifts my mind and allows me to view life as a lively kaleidoscope grand design that moves about in an ever-expanding, revolving, melodious, consciousness. Three cheers to all of us working to release our attachment to everything we fear to lose.

Enjoy (IN Joy) everything and love! Be Everything All the Time. May we all soar in ’24!

Yours in expanding, detaching, spiraling consciousness,

Sheila “Spiral Sister” Murrey

Original and unique songs cultivate brain neural paths

We’re songwriters seeking placement of our original songs in TV, film, games, etc. We’re songwriters seeking bands to play our songs. Video content creators, filmmakers, podcasters, production companies, deejays, Vloggers, YouTubers, and more can use our original music and songs in movies, TV shows, video intros, and such. Everything is available at: Listen4Music.com

Excerpt from The Conversation(dot)com – link follows from the article, “How does the brain think.”

For more information on the research into creating new neural pathways in the brain and enhancing one’s cognition: https://theconversation.com/how-does-the-brain-think-224228?utm_source=join1440&utm_medium=email&utm_placement=newsletter

About us

My husband of 19 years, Richard Murrey, is an award-winning illustrator, plus he’s a seasoned guitarist, bass player, and songwriter (having penned over 400 original songs). You can view his artwork and hear original songs at: http://listen4music.com

Video of us performing Live: https://vimeo.com/416711742?ref=fb-share

About me, your Spiral Sister

My meme: For it is when we connect, we know we are all one. –Sheila “Spiral Sister” Murrey

Spiritually speaking

As a Minister and Spiritual Advisor, it is my pleasure to help you find a way to Connect with spirit. Our ever-living God Omniscience knows ALL. The invitation is open to you.

I speak and offer advice by invitation only. If you would love me to speak at your office, bookstore, crystal shop, acupuncture/chiropractor office, natural health foods store, art fair, music, or yoga festival–comment on this post or reach out to me via my social channels.

My books on Amazon

I have four books on Amazon. The two most recent are: Have Yourself a Wholly Vibrant Life: Reversing Asthma and Other Chronic Illness Naturally and Blue Eyes: Ethereal Messages of Connection.

The information provided is for educational purposes only and is not intended to treat, diagnose or prescribe.

Connect with us

Here are the social channels where I am most active:

June 16th – My baby ain’t cliche

It’s June 16th, 2024; We have an original pop song about a unique gal (I’d like to think it’s me, but that would be my vanity talking). Richard wrote this before me though. Perhaps it called me into existence–into his life. This poppy fun song finds our pro singer, Bubba Hudson mixing up all the vocals. It seems like a timely song too–if you think about it. Love the snappy production by Steven Cooper of Nashville, TN. 

Ain’t no video or catalog clone

Here’s the one-hundred-sixty-eighth new music post for 2024, as I consistently press play of a unique original song to educate and entertain. In the age of transitioning genders and Artificial Intelligence (AI) clones, I could see it going viral. Here’s the song:

I keep an open mind. I always want to feed you something original, unique, and real. I begin by being as original, unique, and real as I can be. I’m certainly not cliche. I don’t follow trends, I’d rather create them! I think that’s why I don’t see myself following the herd. I am a trailblazer, a pioneer. And that’s why only a few people follow me–and that’s okay! I prefer to have a few followers than millions. Perhaps the slow ones will catch on in 2000 years. LOL

Meme: People are starving for something real. In a world of fake food, fake news, fake followers, and artificial intelligence, being your most authentic and vulnerable self is the most valuable thing you can do. –Unknown

Yes, Everything Happens for a Reason and Everything Resolves to Gratitude. Knowing that each of us (as fractals) uplifts my mind and allows me to view life as a lively kaleidoscope grand design that moves about in an ever-expanding, revolving, melodious, consciousness. Three cheers to fighting back (overcoming the Programming) to be ‘who you really are.’

Enjoy (IN Joy) everything and love! Be Everything All the Time. May we all soar in ’24!

Yours in expanding, original and unique, spiraling consciousness,

Sheila “Spiral Sister” Murrey

Original and unique songs develop brain neural paths

We’re songwriters seeking placement of our original songs in TV, film, games, etc. We’re songwriters seeking bands to play our songs. Video content creators, filmmakers, podcasters, production companies, deejays, Vloggers, YouTubers, and more can use our original music and songs in movies, TV shows, video intros, and such. Everything is available at: Listen4Music.com

Excerpt from The Conversation(dot)com – link follows from the article, “How does the brain think.”

For more information on the research into creating new neural pathways in the brain and enhancing one’s cognition: https://theconversation.com/how-does-the-brain-think-224228?utm_source=join1440&utm_medium=email&utm_placement=newsletter

About us

My husband of 19 years, Richard Murrey, is an award-winning illustrator, plus he’s a seasoned guitarist, bass player, and songwriter (having penned over 400 original songs). You can view his artwork and hear original songs at: http://listen4music.com

Video of us performing Live: https://vimeo.com/416711742?ref=fb-share

About me, your Spiral Sister

My meme: For it is when we connect, we know we are all one. –Sheila “Spiral Sister” Murrey

Spiritually speaking

As a Minister and Spiritual Advisor, it is my pleasure to help you find a way to Connect with spirit. Our ever-living God Omniscience knows ALL. The invitation is open to you.

I speak and offer advice by invitation only. If you would love me to speak at your office, bookstore, crystal shop, acupuncture/chiropractor office, natural health foods store, art fair, music, or yoga festival–comment on this post or reach out to me via my social channels.

My books on Amazon

I have four books on Amazon. The two most recent are: Have Yourself a Wholly Vibrant Life: Reversing Asthma and Other Chronic Illness Naturally and Blue Eyes: Ethereal Messages of Connection.

The information provided is for educational purposes only and is not intended to treat, diagnose or prescribe.

Connect with us

Here are the social channels where I am most active:

June 13th – Travelin’ guitar man

It’s June 13th, 2024; We have an original traditional country song about a guitar picker. Music and lyrics by my guitar picking husband Richard Murrey. This toe tappin’ country song features sweet guitar licks. Fans of George Strait will enjoy this. Another radio-ready original song mixed by Steven Cooper of Nashville, TN. 

Pick that guitar

Here’s the one-hundred-sixty-fifth new music post for 2024, as I consistently trot out a unique original song to fascinate and entertain y’all. Here’s the song:


One of our twin granddaughters loves to pick at Richard’s guitar and an old mandolin I inherited from my dad. She has no idea how to play nor the focus for Richard to teach her right now, but we are thrilled that she’s interested!

Meme: “…when we hand our children phones we steal their boredom…will never pick up their aunt’s guitar and start strumming.” –Glennon Doyle, Untamed

Yes, Everything Happens for a Reason and Everything Resolves to Gratitude. Knowing that each of us (as fractals) uplifts my mind and allows me to view life as a lively kaleidoscope grand design that moves about in an ever-expanding, revolving, melodious, consciousness. Three cheers to the creativity boredom inspires!

Enjoy (IN Joy) everything and love! Be Everything All the Time. May we all soar in ’24!

Yours in expanding, creative, spiraling consciousness,

Sheila “Spiral Sister” Murrey

New music inspires creativity and builds neural pathways in the brain

We’re songwriters seeking placement of our original songs in TV, film, games, etc. We’re songwriters seeking bands to play our songs. Video content creators, filmmakers, podcasters, production companies, deejays, Vloggers, YouTubers, and more can use our original music and songs in movies, TV shows, video intros, and such. Everything is available at: Listen4Music.com

Excerpt from The Conversation(dot)com – link follows from the article, “How does the brain think.”

For more information on the research into creating new neural pathways in the brain and enhancing one’s cognition: https://theconversation.com/how-does-the-brain-think-224228?utm_source=join1440&utm_medium=email&utm_placement=newsletter

About us

My husband of 19 years, Richard Murrey, is an award-winning illustrator, plus he’s a seasoned guitarist, bass player, and songwriter (having penned over 400 original songs). You can view his artwork and hear original songs at: http://listen4music.com

Video of us performing Live: https://vimeo.com/416711742?ref=fb-share

About me, your Spiral Sister

My meme: For it is when we connect, we know we are all one. –Sheila “Spiral Sister” Murrey

Spiritually speaking

As a Minister and Spiritual Advisor, it is my pleasure to help you find a way to Connect with spirit. Our ever-living God Omniscience knows ALL. The invitation is open to you.

I speak and offer advice by invitation only. If you would love me to speak at your office, bookstore, crystal shop, acupuncture/chiropractor office, natural health foods store, art fair, music, or yoga festival–comment on this post or reach out to me via my social channels.

My books on Amazon

I have four books on Amazon. The two most recent are: Have Yourself a Wholly Vibrant Life: Reversing Asthma and Other Chronic Illness Naturally and Blue Eyes: Ethereal Messages of Connection.

The information provided is for educational purposes only and is not intended to treat, diagnose or prescribe.

Connect with us

Here are the social channels where I am most active: