It’s April 18th, 2024; Here’s an original pop song to take us into the weekend. Tell us what you think about it (in the comments). Do you find the lyrics funny, wild, silly, or amusing?

Can’t stop thinking about you

Here’s the one-hundred-ninth new music post for 2024, as I consistently share one of our original songs to excite or entertain everyone. We can’t stop thinking about you. It’s like we share a certain chemistry! Ha! We appreciate your taking a few minutes to listen! We know time is the most precious gift we have in life.


Is everything in the material world about Chemistry? I recall a song that had a line something about “the chemistry between us.” I liked the song simply for that one lyric. I think it expanded my consciousness!

It would be many years since hearing that song before I discovered Epigenetics. (Thanks to Dr. Bruce Lipton). But first, I heard about how the body is made of Light and began researching photons for healing.

Meme: “Epigenetics: What you are thinking is translated into chemistry that will determine what you become.” –Dr. Bruce Lipton

The more you think positive thoughts about your body image, about the interconnectedness and communication between your body’s 50-70 TRILLION cells, the better your health. And yes, I can take this from the realm of WOO WOO to actual Science. You simply have to apply the same logic to the study of Epigenetics as you do from transforming bio-physics to bio-chemistry.

This is where I show you the mechanism behind the statement, though it does get a bit geeky and is more textbook than I usually offer:

Screen capture: Taken from a presentation on Centropix Kloud.

This is where I am tempted to go into more detail about how I use Photonic Light as therapy for many physical issues, but I’ll just link to the site where I bought my Photonic Health 660nm red light (which I shine up my nose, in my ears, and on my head and neck often). I won’t take any more of your precious time to explain this though. If you want to know more, you can reach out to me.

Filling our time and space with positive connections keeps me excited (and healthy)! And no matter what happens in our external, I am happy. I know it’s my CHOICE to stay in my happy mode. Ha! The countdown is on! We move in 12 DAYS!

Enjoy (IN Joy) everything and love! Be Everything All the Time.

May we all soar in ’24! Here’s to staying in happy mode, and living FREE!

Yours in expanding, happy, positive, spiraling consciousness,

Sheila “Spiral Sister” Murrey

Original music sparks an increase in neural activity

Video content creators, filmmakers, podcasters, production companies, deejays, Vloggers, YouTubers, and more can use our original music and songs in movies, TV shows, video intros, and such. Everything is available at:

About us

My husband of 19 years, Richard Murrey, is an award-winning illustrator, plus he’s a seasoned guitarist, bass player, and songwriter (having penned over 400 original songs). You can view his artwork and hear original songs at:

Video of us performing Live:

About me, your Spiral Sister

Spiritually speaking

As a Minister and Spiritual Advisor, it is my pleasure to help you find a way to Connect with spirit. Our ever-living God Omniscience knows ALL. The invitation is open to you.

I speak and offer advice by invitation only. If you would love me to speak at your office, bookstore, crystal shop, acupuncture/chiropractor office, natural health foods store, art fair, music, or yoga festival–comment on this post or reach out to me via my social channels.

My books on Amazon

I have four books on Amazon. The two most recent are: Have Yourself a Wholly Vibrant Life: Reversing Asthma and Other Chronic Illness Naturally and Blue Eyes: Ethereal Messages of Connection.

The information provided is for educational purposes only and is not intended to treat, diagnose or prescribe.

Connect with us

Here are the social channels where I am most active:

8 thoughts on “April 18th – Horizontal Mambo

      1. I work with adults with Autism and that’s the current term for them. I was listening to your song when I was cooking dinner and he came in and demanded I put on some Elvis instead.

        Liked by 1 person

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