June 28th – You’re why I’m still here

It’s June 28th, 2024; We have an original country love song for you today. This is a traditional-sounding country song. It’s gender-neutral. The professional female on this tune sings it in an effortless, sultry voice. It is a mid-tempo, radio-ready original love song mixed by Steven Cooper in Nashville, TN. 

Love song

Here’s the one-hundred-seventy-ninth new music post for 2024, as I consistently put forward a new original, unique song to uplift and entertain:

My second child, was why I stayed with my first husband (for the first few years).

My son (now in his 40s), was conceived after I went to the movies with my best friend and saw Endless Love. To say the film, Endless Love influenced me would be an understatement! The movie touched my heart so deeply that though I knew I was in a bad marriage, I left the theater and headed home thinking about having another baby (and subsequently, that’s what happened).

I don’t think my first husband wanted another child. He, nor his family, were that excited about us having a boy either (our first was a girl). Since I was young I knew I wanted at least two children (by the same man) because I’d been an only child and didn’t want to wish that experience on a child. Also, I had friends in my teens who had one baby by one guy and then more by others and had all kinds of trouble with visiting them, collecting child support, etc. I never wanted to deal with that!

If you’re not familiar with Endless Love here a brief description:

Screen capture: “Endless Love” Diana Ross & Lionel Richie | Hot 100 Peak: No. 1 for nine weeks (1981). Found at: https://www.billboard.com/lists/top-love-songs-all-time/endless-love-diana-ross-lionel-richie-hot-100-peak-no-1-for-nine-weeks-1981-2/

After I had my baby boy, I began thinking about how programmed and conditioned we are by Hollywood. The movies they make in Hollywood are supposed to reflect life and human nature, but I get more and more the feeling that the ‘powers that be’ subconsciously steer us in certain directions. There’s just too much political motivation in most shows (especially Disney these days), unfortunately. I see through their charade!

I’ve forgiven my first husband (long ago) for the unhappy marriage we both endured. We fought too much. I yelled and cried too much. But we brought two children into the world who are now loving, productive citizens. I am glad we had the opportunity to live on the same off-grid property with my son a few years ago (though I was still working from home then and doing all the off-grid stuff was hard). It gave me a chance to really get to know and love my son for the person he’s become. And now, I’m getting the same opportunity with my daughter–as we live next door to her and our granddaughters. Well, life goes on, as ‘they’ say! Forgive and let live in love.

Balancing it out with love

My meme: “You are so loved and Connected! Just open to it. Trust. You are where you’re supposed to be, NOW. –Sheila Murrey

Forgive ourselves and others in endless love

Yes, Everything Happens for a Reason and Everything Resolves to Gratitude. Knowing that each of us (as fractals) uplifts my mind and allows me to view life as a lively kaleidoscope grand design that moves about in an ever-expanding, revolving, melodious, consciousness. The more we can forgive ourselves and others, the more endlessly loving we become. And hopefully, the more loving the world becomes.

Enjoy (IN Joy) everything and love! Be Everything All the Time. May we all soar in ’24!

Yours in expanding, endlessly loving, spiraling consciousness,

Sheila “Spiral Sister” Murrey

About us

We’re songwriters seeking placement of our original songs in TV, film, games, etc. We’re songwriters seeking bands to play our songs. Video content creators, filmmakers, podcasters, production companies, deejays, Vloggers, YouTubers, and more can use our original music and songs in movies, TV shows, video intros, and such. Everything is available at: Listen4Music.com

My husband of 19 years, Richard Murrey, is an award-winning illustrator, plus he’s a seasoned guitarist, bass player, and songwriter (having penned over 400 original songs). You can view his artwork and hear original songs at: http://listen4music.com

Video of us performing Live: https://vimeo.com/416711742?ref=fb-share

About me, your Spiral Sister

My meme: What I’ve learned about (traveling in the US / travelling everywhere else) an ever recurring spiral to improve and stop making the same mistakes. –Sheila “Spiral Sister” Murrey

Spiritually speaking

As a Minister and Spiritual Advisor, it is my pleasure to help you find a way to Connect with spirit. Our ever-living God Omniscience knows ALL. The invitation is open to you.

I speak and offer advice by invitation only. If you would love me to speak at your office, bookstore, crystal shop, acupuncture/chiropractor office, natural health foods store, art fair, music, or yoga festival–comment on this post or reach out to me via my social channels.

My books on Amazon

I have four books on Amazon. The two most recent are: Have Yourself a Wholly Vibrant Life: Reversing Asthma and Other Chronic Illness Naturally and Blue Eyes: Ethereal Messages of Connection.

The information provided is for educational purposes only and is not intended to treat, diagnose or prescribe.

Connect with us

Here are the social channels where I am most active:

June 27th – Toy soldiers

It’s June 27th, 2024; We have an original jazz blues rock song about those who grew into soldiers. Bubba Hudson sings this slow-tempo jazzy bluesy rock story song. A beautiful tribute to our Veterans. A radio-ready original song mixed by Steven Cooper in Nashville, TN. 

Like brothers soldiers are family

Here’s the one-hundred-seventy-ninth new music post for 2024, as I consistently present a new original, unique song to educate, and in this case, honor our soldiers and Veterans:

I must say this song touches my heart. I am so grateful for the men and women who serve and have served in our Armed Forces to keep the USA free. And one of our first freedoms was the freedom of speech. 

Freedom to speak freely allows everything I publish in this blog and in our songwriting to happen. I recognize “loose lips sink ships,” and that a proper and moral government (people of integrity within it) has made our nation what it is today and that if we turn our back on the principles that made it great, we could lose it. But I also respect the whistleblowers when the government becomes too large, unwieldy, and tyrannical (or worse, dictatorial)! For these reasons, I am glad Julian Assange is now free to return to Australia. 

People lose interest in things (like fighting the good fight). I wish nations didn’t need soldiers but at this stage in our collective awareness/consciousness, some people still believe we need to rule with the heavy hand of fear (or more leaders and people in government are corrupt than I’d care to imagine). I can’t see into that murky abyss. I only know what motivates me.

If you stand for something do it now before people lose interest. Most of us have short attention spans. People grow up and grow old. This is why whatever we sincerely feel we need to do needs to be done now.

Meme about doing things ‘later’ so you have no regrets because you had the chance. –Unknown

Balancing it all with love

Love and honor

Yes, Everything Happens for a Reason and Everything Resolves to Gratitude. Knowing that each of us (as fractals) uplifts my mind and allows me to view life as a lively kaleidoscope grand design that moves about in an ever-expanding, revolving, melodious, consciousness. The more love, honor, and respect for ALL, the freer the world becomes. Freedom is a great lubricant to keep the ‘machine’ of a country working.

Enjoy (IN Joy) everything and love! Be Everything All the Time. May we all soar in ’24!

Yours in expanding, freedom-loving, spiraling consciousness,

Sheila “Spiral Sister” Murrey

About us

We’re songwriters seeking placement of our original songs in TV, film, games, etc. We’re songwriters seeking bands to play our songs. Video content creators, filmmakers, podcasters, production companies, deejays, Vloggers, YouTubers, and more can use our original music and songs in movies, TV shows, video intros, and such. Everything is available at: Listen4Music.com

My husband of 19 years, Richard Murrey, is an award-winning illustrator, plus he’s a seasoned guitarist, bass player, and songwriter (having penned over 400 original songs). You can view his artwork and hear original songs at: http://listen4music.com

Video of us performing Live: https://vimeo.com/416711742?ref=fb-share

About me, your Spiral Sister

My meme: What I’ve learned about (traveling in the US / travelling everywhere else) an ever recurring spiral to improve and stop making the same mistakes. –Sheila “Spiral Sister” Murrey

Spiritually speaking

As a Minister and Spiritual Advisor, it is my pleasure to help you find a way to Connect with spirit. Our ever-living God Omniscience knows ALL. The invitation is open to you.

I speak and offer advice by invitation only. If you would love me to speak at your office, bookstore, crystal shop, acupuncture/chiropractor office, natural health foods store, art fair, music, or yoga festival–comment on this post or reach out to me via my social channels.

My books on Amazon

I have four books on Amazon. The two most recent are: Have Yourself a Wholly Vibrant Life: Reversing Asthma and Other Chronic Illness Naturally and Blue Eyes: Ethereal Messages of Connection.

The information provided is for educational purposes only and is not intended to treat, diagnose or prescribe.

Connect with us

Here are the social channels where I am most active:

June 26th – What the blues is for

It’s June 26th, 2024; We have a hot new original blues song. I love the way Bubba Hudson sings this rockin’ blues tune. A radio-ready original full of guitar and piano work that Steven Cooper put together in the studio for us in Nashville, TN. We couldn’t be more pleased with the production quality of this pro demo.

Velvet glove

Here’s the one-hundred-seventy-eighth new music post for 2024, as I consistently give you a hot new original, unique song to educate, uplift spirit and mood, and entertain ALL. This song slides on and fits so well, like a velvet glove.

I’ve written about how we can use music to reach our soul, stir it, energize us, balance ourselves, stimulate new neural activity, and even grow new neural pathways.

I continuously check myself to see how I’ve evolved over the years. I check myself, edit my words, and pat myself on the back (literally!) when I observe improvements. I must do this because I can certainly tear myself down. Yet I know self-acknowledgment is one of the best things I can do to give myself love.

My meme (from 5 years ago on Facebook) about learning at differing rates of speed and how judging others wears us down. –Sheila Murrey, Integrating the Spirals

Music for balance

Opening and balancing our chakras

Yes, Everything Happens for a Reason and Everything Resolves to Gratitude. Knowing that each of us (as fractals) uplifts my mind and allows me to view life as a lively kaleidoscope grand design that moves about in an ever-expanding, revolving, melodious, consciousness. The more I listen to blues songs that reach down to my soul, the more open and free-turning my sacral chakra! The more I integrate ALL I’ve learned the better I feel too!

Enjoy (IN Joy) everything and love! Be Everything All the Time. May we all soar in ’24!

Yours in expanding, chakra-balancing, spiraling consciousness,

Sheila “Spiral Sister” Murrey

About us

We’re songwriters seeking placement of our original songs in TV, film, games, etc. We’re songwriters seeking bands to play our songs. Video content creators, filmmakers, podcasters, production companies, deejays, Vloggers, YouTubers, and more can use our original music and songs in movies, TV shows, video intros, and such. Everything is available at: Listen4Music.com

My husband of 19 years, Richard Murrey, is an award-winning illustrator, plus he’s a seasoned guitarist, bass player, and songwriter (having penned over 400 original songs). You can view his artwork and hear original songs at: http://listen4music.com

Video of us performing Live: https://vimeo.com/416711742?ref=fb-share

About me, your Spiral Sister

My meme: What I’ve learned about (traveling in the US / travelling everywhere else) an ever recurring spiral to improve and stop making the same mistakes. –Sheila “Spiral Sister” Murrey

Spiritually speaking

As a Minister and Spiritual Advisor, it is my pleasure to help you find a way to Connect with spirit. Our ever-living God Omniscience knows ALL. The invitation is open to you.

I speak and offer advice by invitation only. If you would love me to speak at your office, bookstore, crystal shop, acupuncture/chiropractor office, natural health foods store, art fair, music, or yoga festival–comment on this post or reach out to me via my social channels.

My books on Amazon

I have four books on Amazon. The two most recent are: Have Yourself a Wholly Vibrant Life: Reversing Asthma and Other Chronic Illness Naturally and Blue Eyes: Ethereal Messages of Connection.

The information provided is for educational purposes only and is not intended to treat, diagnose or prescribe.

Connect with us

Here are the social channels where I am most active:

June 25th – In the mirror

It’s June 25th, 2024; We have a lovely original duet country song. This is one of my favorite songs of ours for the beautiful tones and melody. I also love the way these two sing together and the transformative lyrics. A radio-ready duet country love song with exceptional vocals that blend smoothly. We’ve had two versions of this song recorded (both pro demo productions) from top-rated Beaird Studios and Steven Cooper of Nashville, TN. This was the first version that Steven did.

A love song for lovers

Here’s the one-hundred-seventy-seventh new music post for 2024, as I consistently entertain and lighten the mood with our original songs. One new song each day! This love song is such a tribute to lovers!

In the Mirror (first version) by Richard Murrey.

I wrote a previous post that included the video from the second version of In the Mirror that was sung by Adam Cunningham and produced by Beaird Studios.

My meme: “Always loving from the heart. Always honoring change like the butterfly. It’s all Energy. Seek balance in Gratitude. –Sheila Murrey, Integrating the Spirals

Love is such a multi-faceted word

Because technology changes day-by-day and love grows in multiple ways (and in various directions), songs like this are timely, but can also change or feel different depending on who’s listening and what mood their in–which is why I still enjoy listening to the original demos we had done, though often the second versions are of improved quality.

Rising stars, such as Adam Cunningham, have also sang a lot of soul into many of our pro demos, and I have a playlist on my YouTube channel of my dance favorites.

Opening to love

Yes, Everything Happens for a Reason and Everything Resolves to Gratitude. Knowing that each of us (as fractals) uplifts my mind and allows me to view life as a lively kaleidoscope grand design that moves about in an ever-expanding, revolving, melodious, consciousness. I love how my heart feels when I am open to love. GodBumps!

Enjoy (IN Joy) everything and love! Be Everything All the Time. May we all soar in ’24!

Yours in expanding, opening-to-love, spiraling consciousness,

Sheila “Spiral Sister” Murrey

I love how unique music enhances brain activity

We’re songwriters seeking placement of our original songs in TV, film, games, etc. We’re songwriters seeking bands to play our songs. Video content creators, filmmakers, podcasters, production companies, deejays, Vloggers, YouTubers, and more can use our original music and songs in movies, TV shows, video intros, and such. Everything is available at: Listen4Music.com

Excerpt from The Conversation(dot)com – link follows from the article, “How does the brain think.”

For more information on the research into creating new neural pathways in the brain and enhancing one’s cognition: https://theconversation.com/how-does-the-brain-think-224228?utm_source=join1440&utm_medium=email&utm_placement=newsletter

About us

My husband of 19 years, Richard Murrey, is an award-winning illustrator, plus he’s a seasoned guitarist, bass player, and songwriter (having penned over 400 original songs). You can view his artwork and hear original songs at: http://listen4music.com

Video of us performing Live: https://vimeo.com/416711742?ref=fb-share

About me, your Spiral Sister

My meme: Critical thinking skills. –Sheila “Spiral Sister” Murrey

Spiritually speaking

As a Minister and Spiritual Advisor, it is my pleasure to help you find a way to Connect with spirit. Our ever-living God Omniscience knows ALL. The invitation is open to you.

I speak and offer advice by invitation only. If you would love me to speak at your office, bookstore, crystal shop, acupuncture/chiropractor office, natural health foods store, art fair, music, or yoga festival–comment on this post or reach out to me via my social channels.

My books on Amazon

I have four books on Amazon. The two most recent are: Have Yourself a Wholly Vibrant Life: Reversing Asthma and Other Chronic Illness Naturally and Blue Eyes: Ethereal Messages of Connection.

The information provided is for educational purposes only and is not intended to treat, diagnose or prescribe.

Connect with us

Here are the social channels where I am most active:

June 24th – I thought I knew love

It’s June 24th, 2024; We have a lovely original pop song with a key change! Beautiful and loving lyrics on this one! A radio-ready pop song with sweet female vocals and polished production by Steven Cooper of Nashville, TN. 

Whispering your name

Here’s the one-hundred-seventy-sixth new music post for 2024, as I consistently impress everyone (that clicks on the YouTube links to listen) with one of ‘oh, so many’ original songs. As this gal sings, “I thought I knew love, not until I met you.” This song sure describes how I feel about my dear husband, Richard.

How do you like the videos I’ve been sharing lately? The music videos with the lyrics on the screen. Richard created these videos a few years ago and I love the look of them. I’d planned to take them out for karaoke nights but each place I tried, either couldn’t play our USB mp3 files or didn’t have a screen to show the lyrics (these videos) from a site like YouTube. I have found some excellent karaoke people but most do not invest in the best equipment.


As we know, technology changes day-by-day and if one is going to go out and perform or run a karaoke operation, one must do their best to accommodate their customers (and performers). We’d run our own show but feel we’re getting too old for it.

I’ve sang in church choirs, school chorus, with a best friend as a duet (she played piano), and I’ve done karaoke singing (mostly in my 30s). I’ve sang with Richard, mostly at house parties, and a few videos, but I never wanted to be a singing ‘star.’

Photo: I’m second from the left in the top row. Singing in school chorus. Two of my best friends are in the row right in front of me. It reminds me how long I’ve been singing. –Sheila Murrey

Integrating the Soul

Yes, Everything Happens for a Reason and Everything Resolves to Gratitude. Knowing that each of us (as fractals) uplifts my mind and allows me to view life as a lively kaleidoscope grand design that moves about in an ever-expanding, revolving, melodious, consciousness. When I sing, I feel it in my body and soul.

Enjoy (IN Joy) everything and love! Be Everything All the Time. May we all soar in ’24!

Yours in expanding, singing, spiraling consciousness,

Sheila “Spiral Sister” Murrey

Hum or sing with unique music to spark brain activity

We’re songwriters seeking placement of our original songs in TV, film, games, etc. We’re songwriters seeking bands to play our songs. Video content creators, filmmakers, podcasters, production companies, deejays, Vloggers, YouTubers, and more can use our original music and songs in movies, TV shows, video intros, and such. Everything is available at: Listen4Music.com

Excerpt from The Conversation(dot)com – link follows from the article, “How does the brain think.”

For more information on the research into creating new neural pathways in the brain and enhancing one’s cognition: https://theconversation.com/how-does-the-brain-think-224228?utm_source=join1440&utm_medium=email&utm_placement=newsletter

About us

My husband of 19 years, Richard Murrey, is an award-winning illustrator, plus he’s a seasoned guitarist, bass player, and songwriter (having penned over 400 original songs). You can view his artwork and hear original songs at: http://listen4music.com

Video of us performing Live: https://vimeo.com/416711742?ref=fb-share

About me, your Spiral Sister

My meme: Critical thinking skills. –Sheila “Spiral Sister” Murrey

Spiritually speaking

As a Minister and Spiritual Advisor, it is my pleasure to help you find a way to Connect with spirit. Our ever-living God Omniscience knows ALL. The invitation is open to you.

I speak and offer advice by invitation only. If you would love me to speak at your office, bookstore, crystal shop, acupuncture/chiropractor office, natural health foods store, art fair, music, or yoga festival–comment on this post or reach out to me via my social channels.

My books on Amazon

I have four books on Amazon. The two most recent are: Have Yourself a Wholly Vibrant Life: Reversing Asthma and Other Chronic Illness Naturally and Blue Eyes: Ethereal Messages of Connection.

The information provided is for educational purposes only and is not intended to treat, diagnose or prescribe.

Connect with us

Here are the social channels where I am most active:

June 23rd – I wanna be prezident

It’s June 23rd, 2024; We have a hot original pop song for you today. It’s ripe for November election time for sure! Richard wrote some hard-hitting lyrics on this one! A radio-ready pop song that is heavy on piano licks, grand vocals by Bubba Hudson, and swift production by Steven Cooper of Nashville, TN. 

We the people

Here’s the one-hundred-seventy-fifth new music post for 2024, as I consistently parade one of our original songs out to the masses. “America is not for rent,” as this song proudly states. Have a listen and let us know what you think about this energetic and timely song. We’d love for one of the frontrunners to use this song in the USA’s upcoming November election cycle!

Of course, we’d love people of integrity to lead the country, but who has integrity anymore? It seems all the contenders are criminals in one way or another. I could go down the list of sins and check most of the boxes of anyone running for President of the USA (in any election cycle)! I feel that by the time anyone gets to the place where they have enough support to run for President, they owe so many favors, that they are all compromised! I also gave up on both the Democrat Party AND the Republican Party long ago! I am an Independent through and through, and will not allow a one or two-party system to influence me.


As we know, the vast majority of people have been programmed since the 1940s with radio, then later, with television (TV), and now, social media. I’ve vowed to break all of my programming and conditioning.

Each time you watch ANYTHING with commercials or ads, tell yourself you’re not going to blindly be influenced by it. Speak to your mind, speak aloud if you have to, to break the spell of the propaganda.

Meme: Free thinkers vs. trillion dollar propaganda machine. –Unknown
Meme: “They don’t want us to remember who we truly are… buried deep within us by years of conditioning and programming. They don’t want us to wake up. And this is why we must.” –Unknown
Screen capture: “They’ve conditioned you to believe their poison is medicine. They’ve conditioned you to believe their indoctrination is education. They’ve conditioned you to believe their propaganda is news. Worst of all, they’ve conditioned you to believe those who are aware are you enemy.” –Tom Arguello

Integrating the Soul

Yes, Everything Happens for a Reason and Everything Resolves to Gratitude. Knowing that each of us (as fractals) uplifts my mind and allows me to view life as a lively kaleidoscope grand design that moves about in an ever-expanding, revolving, melodious, consciousness.

Integrating Spirit means we are aware of something larger than ourselves that does not bend to dogma but created and continues to support ALL–such as the Unified Field (Omniscience God). I know there is something more because I have felt it. I have experienced it. I believe we’re in an earthly body to feel and sense things. 

I am not a Buddhist because I am not an atheist–I believe in a Creator and intervening Spirit. I believe each of us has a soul and is here to align and grow with it. But I am not an evangelical Christian because I honor all religions, I don’t personalize or anthropomorphize God, nor do I believe in a literal hell (other than the hell that humans have created here on earth). I follow the Dao. The Power that creates, supports, and sustains ALL. I believe in the inherent goodness and cycles of Nature (and of most people, even people who do wrong things–as nobody is perfect).

Enjoy (IN Joy) everything and love! Be Everything All the Time. May we all soar in ’24!

Yours in expanding, soul-aligning, spiraling consciousness,

Sheila “Spiral Sister” Murrey

Recommend unique music to enhance brain activity

We’re songwriters seeking placement of our original songs in TV, film, games, etc. We’re songwriters seeking bands to play our songs. Video content creators, filmmakers, podcasters, production companies, deejays, Vloggers, YouTubers, and more can use our original music and songs in movies, TV shows, video intros, and such. Everything is available at: Listen4Music.com

Excerpt from The Conversation(dot)com – link follows from the article, “How does the brain think.”

For more information on the research into creating new neural pathways in the brain and enhancing one’s cognition: https://theconversation.com/how-does-the-brain-think-224228?utm_source=join1440&utm_medium=email&utm_placement=newsletter

About us

My husband of 19 years, Richard Murrey, is an award-winning illustrator, plus he’s a seasoned guitarist, bass player, and songwriter (having penned over 400 original songs). You can view his artwork and hear original songs at: http://listen4music.com

Video of us performing Live: https://vimeo.com/416711742?ref=fb-share

About me, your Spiral Sister

My meme: Critical thinking skills. –Sheila “Spiral Sister” Murrey

Spiritually speaking

As a Minister and Spiritual Advisor, it is my pleasure to help you find a way to Connect with spirit. Our ever-living God Omniscience knows ALL. The invitation is open to you.

I speak and offer advice by invitation only. If you would love me to speak at your office, bookstore, crystal shop, acupuncture/chiropractor office, natural health foods store, art fair, music, or yoga festival–comment on this post or reach out to me via my social channels.

My books on Amazon

I have four books on Amazon. The two most recent are: Have Yourself a Wholly Vibrant Life: Reversing Asthma and Other Chronic Illness Naturally and Blue Eyes: Ethereal Messages of Connection.

The information provided is for educational purposes only and is not intended to treat, diagnose or prescribe.

Connect with us

Here are the social channels where I am most active:

June 22nd – King of the world

It’s June 22nd, 2024; We have an original country song for you. Richard wrote some prolific lyrics on this one! And oh, so apt for the times! Another radio-ready country music production by Steven Cooper of Nashville, TN. 

Here we go!

Here’s the one-hundred-seventy-fourth new music post for 2024, as I consistently march on with one of our original songs daily–even without a tribal horde following me. Have a listen and let us know if this is a timely song as we inch closer to the November election in the USA.

Everyone can do their part to bring the best people forward in government. We have a lot to do before we can register to vote in our new state, a cascade of stuff really, which I am happy to do, but irritates me that if I were not a citizen I wouldn’t have to do it (in some other states). Anyway, I am too old and tired to fight those political battles.

I’ll renew our passports (we have to go get new passport photos taken), and then I can trade my Florida driver’s license in for one from our new state (even though both states use RealID and I would have thought we could just make the trade without me needing to supply the multiple divorce/marriage documents (I have most but not all) to prove all my last name changes. UGH! Renewing our passports will save me from having to go through all of that since it’s already in my current name. When it comes to the government, documentation always seems to be a hassle (and yes, I worked in government as a contractor and in documentation so I know that of which I speak/write). Ha!

Counting a multitude of blessings

I told you yesterday about the tree (or part of it) that fell in our backyard yesterday during a rainstorm and last night, our son-in-law relayed a comment from the guy who lived here before us. It made us all sit up and realize how blessed we are to have moved in earlier than we’d planned. It seems that at the time of the tree falling, he would have just arrived home and parked where the tree fell! He might have been injured or killed (or trapped in his truck), or at the least, have a lot of damage to his truck–but we moved in and don’t have a vehicle! Whew!

We continued to count our blessings that the tree didn’t fall when any of us were outside, had it only been windy we would have been. It was fairly windy a few days ago and we were out in the backyard swinging and such. The timing of this tree falling and how fast it fell really got our attention. Oh, how blessed we all are! Lots of silver linings.

Turns out the birdhouse was spared, apparently it was built very well. It only needs Mike, our son-in-law, to fix the roof of it. The back of the roof came off of its hinges. The front was only minimally damaged. But the tree fell on it and it pushed down into the popup camper’s roof. So, between that and the other parts of the camper that were hit, we think it might be totaled. They had insurance on it though!

Photo: Closer view of the bird house. –Sheila Murrey
Photo: Part of the damage on the pop-up camper. –Sheila Murrey
Photo: The trunk of the tree where 1/3 of it split off from. –Sheila Murrey

Integrating Spirit

Yes, Everything Happens for a Reason and Everything Resolves to Gratitude. Knowing that each of us (as fractals) uplifts my mind and allows me to view life as a lively kaleidoscope grand design that moves about in an ever-expanding, revolving, melodious, consciousness. My mission is to integrate Spirit by observing deeply and applying the spiritual aspects of each lesson learned into my daily life. Are you on a similar journey?

Enjoy (IN Joy) everything and love! Be Everything All the Time. May we all soar in ’24!

Yours in expanding, integrating Spirit, spiraling consciousness,

Sheila “Spiral Sister” Murrey

Offering brain stimulating original songs

We’re songwriters seeking placement of our original songs in TV, film, games, etc. We’re songwriters seeking bands to play our songs. Video content creators, filmmakers, podcasters, production companies, deejays, Vloggers, YouTubers, and more can use our original music and songs in movies, TV shows, video intros, and such. Everything is available at: Listen4Music.com

Excerpt from The Conversation(dot)com – link follows from the article, “How does the brain think.”

For more information on the research into creating new neural pathways in the brain and enhancing one’s cognition: https://theconversation.com/how-does-the-brain-think-224228?utm_source=join1440&utm_medium=email&utm_placement=newsletter

About us

My husband of 19 years, Richard Murrey, is an award-winning illustrator, plus he’s a seasoned guitarist, bass player, and songwriter (having penned over 400 original songs). You can view his artwork and hear original songs at: http://listen4music.com

Video of us performing Live: https://vimeo.com/416711742?ref=fb-share

About me, your Spiral Sister

My meme: Critical thinking skills. –Sheila “Spiral Sister” Murrey

Spiritually speaking

As a Minister and Spiritual Advisor, it is my pleasure to help you find a way to Connect with spirit. Our ever-living God Omniscience knows ALL. The invitation is open to you.

I speak and offer advice by invitation only. If you would love me to speak at your office, bookstore, crystal shop, acupuncture/chiropractor office, natural health foods store, art fair, music, or yoga festival–comment on this post or reach out to me via my social channels.

My books on Amazon

I have four books on Amazon. The two most recent are: Have Yourself a Wholly Vibrant Life: Reversing Asthma and Other Chronic Illness Naturally and Blue Eyes: Ethereal Messages of Connection.

The information provided is for educational purposes only and is not intended to treat, diagnose or prescribe.

Connect with us

Here are the social channels where I am most active:

June 21st – Petroleum

It’s June 21st, 2024; On this first day of Summer, we have an original rock song for you. Bubba Hudson did a superb singing job on this song. It’s another one of my favorite songs of ours. Radio-ready rockin’ production by Steven Cooper of Nashville, TN. 

Black gold

Here’s the one-hundred-seventy-third new music post for 2024, as I make the consistent forward motion to get one of our original songs out to you every day–without burning oil. Have a listen and let us know if you agree that this is a timely song to go viral.

We know it’s going to take a lot of effort on everyone’s part to move off of Mother Earth’s blood, black gold. Can we do it by 2030? If we could put a man on the moon with 1960s technology (and I do mean, IF), then we can certainly accomplish getting off big oil within this decade. We already have geothermal, hydrogen, wind, solar, water turbines, etc. to take us there. And I’ve been an investor of EV charging stations for a few years now (and losing my shirt because that stock has drastically fallen in value since I bought in. UGH!), but I am hanging onto it.

Summer Solstice and First day of Summer

We certainly rolled into the first day of Summer and celebrated the Summer Solstice with a bang. A huge tree fell in our backyard yesterday during a rainstorm! I checked a few things I had saved on my laptop as I sat with questions about what it meant.

We were all glad none of us were outside at the moment the tree fell because it went so fast (we have it on video from the security cameras), that I could see how walking under a tree that was going to fall could kill someone (I’d read years ago about a woman jogger who was killed when a tree fell on her–now, I can see how that could happen).

When our son-in-law and granddaughters came over to get a better look (my daughter was at work), the girls’ began a little whine about how they couldn’t get to their bikes (in the shed), and how they loved the camper and wanted another just like it. They were worried about their toy chest (that’s in front of the shed and under the tree, which can’t be seen right now). Our son-in-law comforted them and told them, “It’s just stuff and can all be fixed/replaced.” And I gave them all pats on the back and arm to reassure them. We all continued to talk about the experience and how glad none of us were outside when the tree fell. The people in our lives are what’s most important.

Photo: A tree fell in our backyard. Closer view of the trunk of the tree. And yes, it’s probably totaled the kids’ pop-up camper. –Sheila Murrey
Photo: A tree fell in our backyard. It nearly caught the deck from our back door. Thankfully, it missed the girls’ trampoline. –Sheila Murrey
Photo: A tree fell in our backyard. It currently blocks our entry/exit from the deck at our back door. –Sheila Murrey

Spiritually, what does it mean?

Screen capture: The spiritual significance of a tree falling. —https://spiritualityshepherd.com
Screen capture: The significance of each season –Tony Robbins

Yes, Everything Happens for a Reason and Everything Resolves to Gratitude. Knowing that each of us (as fractals) uplifts my mind and allows me to view life as a lively kaleidoscope grand design that moves about in an ever-expanding, revolving, melodious, consciousness. Don’t grieve the loss, connect your heart and mind to feel the gratitude ALL life gives you.

Enjoy (IN Joy) everything and love! Be Everything All the Time. May we all soar in ’24!

Yours in expanding, awakening, spiraling consciousness,

Sheila “Spiral Sister” Murrey

Awaken to the renewing of mind original songs can offer

We’re songwriters seeking placement of our original songs in TV, film, games, etc. We’re songwriters seeking bands to play our songs. Video content creators, filmmakers, podcasters, production companies, deejays, Vloggers, YouTubers, and more can use our original music and songs in movies, TV shows, video intros, and such. Everything is available at: Listen4Music.com

Excerpt from The Conversation(dot)com – link follows from the article, “How does the brain think.”

For more information on the research into creating new neural pathways in the brain and enhancing one’s cognition: https://theconversation.com/how-does-the-brain-think-224228?utm_source=join1440&utm_medium=email&utm_placement=newsletter

About us

My husband of 19 years, Richard Murrey, is an award-winning illustrator, plus he’s a seasoned guitarist, bass player, and songwriter (having penned over 400 original songs). You can view his artwork and hear original songs at: http://listen4music.com

Video of us performing Live: https://vimeo.com/416711742?ref=fb-share

About me, your Spiral Sister

My meme: Critical thinking skills. –Sheila “Spiral Sister” Murrey

Spiritually speaking

As a Minister and Spiritual Advisor, it is my pleasure to help you find a way to Connect with spirit. Our ever-living God Omniscience knows ALL. The invitation is open to you.

I speak and offer advice by invitation only. If you would love me to speak at your office, bookstore, crystal shop, acupuncture/chiropractor office, natural health foods store, art fair, music, or yoga festival–comment on this post or reach out to me via my social channels.

My books on Amazon

I have four books on Amazon. The two most recent are: Have Yourself a Wholly Vibrant Life: Reversing Asthma and Other Chronic Illness Naturally and Blue Eyes: Ethereal Messages of Connection.

The information provided is for educational purposes only and is not intended to treat, diagnose or prescribe.

Connect with us

Here are the social channels where I am most active:

June 20th – Take it back

It’s June 20th, 2024; Today, we have an original pop song for you. How many times have you asked someone to “take it back”? This female pro singer did such a good job on this song. Studio production by Steven Cooper of Nashville, TN. 

The gals can sing

Here’s the one-hundred-seventy-second new music post for 2024, as I make consistent forward progress playing one of our original songs each day for your enjoyment. Take a listen and let us know what you think of this song, Take it Back, from The Gals Can Sing album:

We know there’s a lot of glut of music out there and it’s difficult to find sweet tunes like this out there. That’s why at the start of 2024 I had an idea to devote a blog article to each one (thought it will take me more than a year to showcase each one since Richard has written nearly 500 original songs).

Speaking of ‘taking things back’

I can help you move your mind back to center (neutral). It’s the main reason I offer Integrating the Spirals process.

My meme: “If everything happens for a reason is too much of a leap or you find yourself in overwhelm, this process (Integrating the Spirals) helps one come up with a mantra to move your mind back to center.” –Sheila Murrey

Yes, Everything Happens for a Reason and Everything Resolves to Gratitude. Knowing that each of us (as fractals) uplifts my mind and allows me to view life as a lively kaleidoscope grand design that moves about in an ever-expanding, revolving, melodious, consciousness. Don’t stay in overwhelm, shift your mind back to neutral and relax.

Enjoy (IN Joy) everything and love! Be Everything All the Time. May we all soar in ’24!

Yours in expanding, centering, spiraling consciousness,

Sheila “Spiral Sister” Murrey

Let our original songs stimulated your brain

We’re songwriters seeking placement of our original songs in TV, film, games, etc. We’re songwriters seeking bands to play our songs. Video content creators, filmmakers, podcasters, production companies, deejays, Vloggers, YouTubers, and more can use our original music and songs in movies, TV shows, video intros, and such. Everything is available at: Listen4Music.com

Excerpt from The Conversation(dot)com – link follows from the article, “How does the brain think.”

For more information on the research into creating new neural pathways in the brain and enhancing one’s cognition: https://theconversation.com/how-does-the-brain-think-224228?utm_source=join1440&utm_medium=email&utm_placement=newsletter

About us

My husband of 19 years, Richard Murrey, is an award-winning illustrator, plus he’s a seasoned guitarist, bass player, and songwriter (having penned over 400 original songs). You can view his artwork and hear original songs at: http://listen4music.com

Video of us performing Live: https://vimeo.com/416711742?ref=fb-share

About me, your Spiral Sister

My meme: Critical thinking skills. –Sheila “Spiral Sister” Murrey

Spiritually speaking

As a Minister and Spiritual Advisor, it is my pleasure to help you find a way to Connect with spirit. Our ever-living God Omniscience knows ALL. The invitation is open to you.

I speak and offer advice by invitation only. If you would love me to speak at your office, bookstore, crystal shop, acupuncture/chiropractor office, natural health foods store, art fair, music, or yoga festival–comment on this post or reach out to me via my social channels.

My books on Amazon

I have four books on Amazon. The two most recent are: Have Yourself a Wholly Vibrant Life: Reversing Asthma and Other Chronic Illness Naturally and Blue Eyes: Ethereal Messages of Connection.

The information provided is for educational purposes only and is not intended to treat, diagnose or prescribe.

Connect with us

Here are the social channels where I am most active:

June 19th – Too good for the radio

It’s June 19th, 2024; Happy Juneteenth! We have an original country song for y’all. It’s often what we say about our unique songs being “too good” for the radio. Ha! Richard has also started a new Facebook group for those this phrase resonates with–it is: deleted and ignored artists and musicians. This studio production was done by Steven Cooper of Nashville, TN. 

Too good?

Here’s the one-hundred-seventy-first new music post for 2024, as I trek along making consistent progress sharing one of our original songs each day:

Though we do assert that our music is “too good” for the radio, we don’t consider ourselves too good or better than anyone else. I think it’s more of a question of wanting to be heard and understood. We feel there’s so much crud out there, it’s getting harder and harder for the cream to “rise to the top.”

Meme: “Never above you. Never below you. Always beside you.” –Unknown
Meme: The Dragonfly story. –Unknown

Yes, Everything Happens for a Reason and Everything Resolves to Gratitude. Knowing that each of us (as fractals) uplifts my mind and allows me to view life as a lively kaleidoscope grand design that moves about in an ever-expanding, revolving, melodious, consciousness. Don’t let the crud out there get you down. You’re still miraculous to me!

Enjoy (IN Joy) everything and love! Be Everything All the Time. May we all soar in ’24!

Yours in expanding, miraculous, spiraling consciousness,

Sheila “Spiral Sister” Murrey

Listening to new songs grow brain neural paths

We’re songwriters seeking placement of our original songs in TV, film, games, etc. We’re songwriters seeking bands to play our songs. Video content creators, filmmakers, podcasters, production companies, deejays, Vloggers, YouTubers, and more can use our original music and songs in movies, TV shows, video intros, and such. Everything is available at: Listen4Music.com

Excerpt from The Conversation(dot)com – link follows from the article, “How does the brain think.”

For more information on the research into creating new neural pathways in the brain and enhancing one’s cognition: https://theconversation.com/how-does-the-brain-think-224228?utm_source=join1440&utm_medium=email&utm_placement=newsletter

About us

My husband of 19 years, Richard Murrey, is an award-winning illustrator, plus he’s a seasoned guitarist, bass player, and songwriter (having penned over 400 original songs). You can view his artwork and hear original songs at: http://listen4music.com

Video of us performing Live: https://vimeo.com/416711742?ref=fb-share

About me, your Spiral Sister

My meme: Critical thinking skills. –Sheila “Spiral Sister” Murrey

Spiritually speaking

As a Minister and Spiritual Advisor, it is my pleasure to help you find a way to Connect with spirit. Our ever-living God Omniscience knows ALL. The invitation is open to you.

I speak and offer advice by invitation only. If you would love me to speak at your office, bookstore, crystal shop, acupuncture/chiropractor office, natural health foods store, art fair, music, or yoga festival–comment on this post or reach out to me via my social channels.

My books on Amazon

I have four books on Amazon. The two most recent are: Have Yourself a Wholly Vibrant Life: Reversing Asthma and Other Chronic Illness Naturally and Blue Eyes: Ethereal Messages of Connection.

The information provided is for educational purposes only and is not intended to treat, diagnose or prescribe.

Connect with us

Here are the social channels where I am most active:

June 18th – It’s over my head

It’s June 18th, 2024; We have an original unique rock song written for heads made of clay. Richard wrote this rock song (music and lyrics) before he met me, but it suits me to a T. He’s told me many times that I’m “over his head.” He’s as profound as me though. I love the melody and guitar riffs on this song, and yes, it’s one of my favorites. Einstein Hawking way are one of my favorite lines. Bubba Hudson sings this with some emotion. A snappy, radio-ready, studio mix was done by Steven Cooper of Nashville, TN. 

Love life with no rehearsal

Here’s the one-hundred-seventieth new music post for 2024, as I consistently extrude a unique original song from Richard’s vast song catalog to educate and entertain the masses. But maybe, like The Why Files, we offer music for high IQ, critical thinkers!

I agree with Aldous Huxley in his statement, “Unlike the masses, intellectuals have a taste for rationality and interest in facts. Their critical habit of mind makes them resistant to the kind of propaganda that works so well on the majority.”

When Richard and I met for the first time in person (we’d met online and communicated for months first), we had set the date for drinks and I’d taken my two doggies with me. Our date lasted for 4 hours! I think that’s because we are both deep and critical thinkers. Our server had been working on becoming a vet tech and she made us go get my dogs out of the car, walk, and feed them because she was so worried (though it was a cool and rainy day and they were very used to traveling with me). I took them along because it had been a drive to get to our meeting spot and so they could be my excuse to leave had the date went south. LOL

Meme: “Unlike the masses… critical habit of mind…” –Aldous Huxley
Meme: “Common people will believe anything if they are frightened. But critically-thinking people will look for deception and find the truth through the smokescreen of fear. Listen to critical thinkers, not fearful reactors.” –Dr. Suzanne Humphries

Yes, Everything Happens for a Reason and Everything Resolves to Gratitude. Knowing that each of us (as fractals) uplifts my mind and allows me to view life as a lively kaleidoscope grand design that moves about in an ever-expanding, revolving, melodious, consciousness. Question and study everything you can (without reacting in fear) to continue expanding your mind.

Enjoy (IN Joy) everything and love! Be Everything All the Time. May we all soar in ’24!

Yours in expanding, fearless querying, spiraling consciousness,

Sheila “Spiral Sister” Murrey

Unheard songs stimulate brain neural paths

We’re songwriters seeking placement of our original songs in TV, film, games, etc. We’re songwriters seeking bands to play our songs. Video content creators, filmmakers, podcasters, production companies, deejays, Vloggers, YouTubers, and more can use our original music and songs in movies, TV shows, video intros, and such. Everything is available at: Listen4Music.com

Excerpt from The Conversation(dot)com – link follows from the article, “How does the brain think.”

For more information on the research into creating new neural pathways in the brain and enhancing one’s cognition: https://theconversation.com/how-does-the-brain-think-224228?utm_source=join1440&utm_medium=email&utm_placement=newsletter

About us

My husband of 19 years, Richard Murrey, is an award-winning illustrator, plus he’s a seasoned guitarist, bass player, and songwriter (having penned over 400 original songs). You can view his artwork and hear original songs at: http://listen4music.com

Video of us performing Live: https://vimeo.com/416711742?ref=fb-share

About me, your Spiral Sister

My meme: Critical thinking skills. –Sheila “Spiral Sister” Murrey

Spiritually speaking

As a Minister and Spiritual Advisor, it is my pleasure to help you find a way to Connect with spirit. Our ever-living God Omniscience knows ALL. The invitation is open to you.

I speak and offer advice by invitation only. If you would love me to speak at your office, bookstore, crystal shop, acupuncture/chiropractor office, natural health foods store, art fair, music, or yoga festival–comment on this post or reach out to me via my social channels.

My books on Amazon

I have four books on Amazon. The two most recent are: Have Yourself a Wholly Vibrant Life: Reversing Asthma and Other Chronic Illness Naturally and Blue Eyes: Ethereal Messages of Connection.

The information provided is for educational purposes only and is not intended to treat, diagnose or prescribe.

Connect with us

Here are the social channels where I am most active:

June 17th – What’s mine is yours

It’s June 17th, 2024; We have an original unique rock song written for such a time as this. Richard wrote this rock song (music and lyrics) to encourage more giving. Too many takers out there! It shows off hefty guitar licks and riffs, as well as Bubba Hudson’s solid vocals. A slick, radio-ready, studio mix produced by Steven Cooper of Nashville, TN. 

Ain’t no video or catalog clone

Here’s the one-hundred-sixty-ninth new music post for 2024, as I consistently dole out a unique original song to educate and entertain. In the age of anti-corporation, anti-capitalism and anti-greed, check it out:

I recall few times in my life where I’ve felt the ping of jealousy. I think my mom did a wonderful job of raising me not to be jealous. I also think I’ve worked on myself a lot over the years to let go of anything I was afraid to lose. Hold on loosely has been my motto since I first heard that song as a teenager. Even as an only child, I was taught to share.

Meme: Yoda says, “Attachment leads to jealousy. The shadow of greed that is. Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose.” –MoralMindsets

Yes, Everything Happens for a Reason and Everything Resolves to Gratitude. Knowing that each of us (as fractals) uplifts my mind and allows me to view life as a lively kaleidoscope grand design that moves about in an ever-expanding, revolving, melodious, consciousness. Three cheers to all of us working to release our attachment to everything we fear to lose.

Enjoy (IN Joy) everything and love! Be Everything All the Time. May we all soar in ’24!

Yours in expanding, detaching, spiraling consciousness,

Sheila “Spiral Sister” Murrey

Original and unique songs cultivate brain neural paths

We’re songwriters seeking placement of our original songs in TV, film, games, etc. We’re songwriters seeking bands to play our songs. Video content creators, filmmakers, podcasters, production companies, deejays, Vloggers, YouTubers, and more can use our original music and songs in movies, TV shows, video intros, and such. Everything is available at: Listen4Music.com

Excerpt from The Conversation(dot)com – link follows from the article, “How does the brain think.”

For more information on the research into creating new neural pathways in the brain and enhancing one’s cognition: https://theconversation.com/how-does-the-brain-think-224228?utm_source=join1440&utm_medium=email&utm_placement=newsletter

About us

My husband of 19 years, Richard Murrey, is an award-winning illustrator, plus he’s a seasoned guitarist, bass player, and songwriter (having penned over 400 original songs). You can view his artwork and hear original songs at: http://listen4music.com

Video of us performing Live: https://vimeo.com/416711742?ref=fb-share

About me, your Spiral Sister

My meme: For it is when we connect, we know we are all one. –Sheila “Spiral Sister” Murrey

Spiritually speaking

As a Minister and Spiritual Advisor, it is my pleasure to help you find a way to Connect with spirit. Our ever-living God Omniscience knows ALL. The invitation is open to you.

I speak and offer advice by invitation only. If you would love me to speak at your office, bookstore, crystal shop, acupuncture/chiropractor office, natural health foods store, art fair, music, or yoga festival–comment on this post or reach out to me via my social channels.

My books on Amazon

I have four books on Amazon. The two most recent are: Have Yourself a Wholly Vibrant Life: Reversing Asthma and Other Chronic Illness Naturally and Blue Eyes: Ethereal Messages of Connection.

The information provided is for educational purposes only and is not intended to treat, diagnose or prescribe.

Connect with us

Here are the social channels where I am most active: