It’s January 7th, 2024; I’ve worked through a lot of issues and like to believe (and feel) that I am non-judgmental, and then, something happens that gets my goat. And yes, I’m using that idiom because I am a Capricorn, thus a goat per the astrological calendar. Ha!

I’ve learned not to read certain material before bedtime, such as the two previous shared posts I reblogged last night. On the one hand, I get emotionally riled up and even angry (though it may be righteous anger I prefer not to feel it). I’ve learned to use the Energy of anger though, to fuel action. I either pray (which I did in earnest last night for “peace” and to “set all captives free.” And I’ve taken action to write letters to legislators, social media influencers, vote, write songs, create memes, take surveys, etc. I release my anger or tension and “let it go” most times. But there are still a few topics that trigger me and I am using my Integrating the Spirals process to work through those and clear them. I know angst in the body can cause disease. I also know that as I continue searching across a breadth of knowledge, I can find better-feeling thoughts on myriad controversial issues.


There will always be more than one side to every story, every issue, challenge, obstacle, and so on. And this is why my/our work is never done when it comes to figuring out what we believe on controversial issues. It’s also what keeps me striving to learn more from the people who are experiencing the issues and NOT watch or listen to mainstream media (MSM)!

When I begin analyzing situations I do my best to keep an open mind and inquire as to the many variables involved on certain topics. This is why I reach for information from a variety of sources, first-hand sources as much as humanly possible. I question authority (those who think they have power and control over) and the sources, and financiers behind the sources, that I derive answers from.

An applicable song

Here’s the seventh new music post for 2024 as I consistently offer up our originals (music and lyrics written by my humble and most intelligent husband, Richard). I’m thrilled to share his brilliance with you.

I’m secretly hoping filmmakers, podcasters, and such will use our original songs in movies, TV shows, video intros, and more. I’m sharing the songs on Tumblr (automatic feed from WordPress), Facebook, Twitter/X, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, Alignable, and now, Truth Social (in that order).

In the mirror is one of my favorite songs because it reminds me/us to remove the board in our own eye, before seeking to remove the speck in another’s eye:

We have over 400 original songs and most folks haven’t heard them! If you love a song, please share the song (or this post) with your friends.

Sheila in the mirror

Speaking of Connecting

If you’d like to keep up with what’s happening with my new book project, our new songs, or receive the occasional newsletter–send a note to my new email address:

I’m eager to continue expanding my consciousness, and yours, while Connecting with many more of you–now that I’m retired! WOO-HOO!

Yours in expanding, less-judging, revolving, spiraling consciousness,

To our better health, ease, and sustaining lives of JOY!

Sheila “Spiral Sister” Murrey

Quotes I’m known for

Carry your Karma lightly. Be kind to yourself while living responsibly. Who you ARE affects us ALL. We Are All Connected.

Energy/Omniscience (Omnism) governs ALL. Omniscience knows ALL. Omniscience is always with you. You are never alone.

My online Zoom video course, Integrating the Spirals is more timely now than ever because I know people are suffering. (Let me know if you’re interested in working through the Integrating the Spirals course.)

As an empath I want to help ease suffering and raise our vibration to offer hope. I want to uplift others and expand our collective consciousness. I teach breath work and meditation so we appreciate the value of Detachment. We till our inner soil with our breath to calm the amygdala and institute peace. Meditation is an easy way to Connect us with spirit, higher selves, Omniscience God, and receive non-programmed personal guidance.

The information provided is for educational purposes only and is not intended to treat, diagnose or prescribe.

About us

My husband is an award-winning illustrator, plus he’s a seasoned guitarist, bass player, and songwriter (with over 400 original songs). You can view some of his artwork and listen to all of his songs at:

Here’s a video of us performing on Vimeo:

About me, your Spiral Sister

I would love to speak at your bookstore, crystal shop, acupuncture/chiropractor office, natural health foods store, art fair, music, or yoga festival. I support healthy lifestyle businesses. 

My 4th book is on Amazon and the link where you can check it out (Kindle has the purple cover and the paperback has the yellow cover, but the content is the same): Have Yourself a Wholly Vibrant Life: Reversing Asthma and Other Chronic Illness Naturally

I invite you to check out my metaphysical book–Blue Eyes: Ethereal Messages of Connection. There are two versions (Kindle and paperback) on Amazon:

I’m an Amazon bestselling author of two co-authored books: “Transform Your Life Book 2 Inspirational Stories and Expert Advice” and “Energy of Receiving” available on Amazon.


For more spiritual and esoteric updates, new music, who we’re connecting with and more, follow me on Instagram:

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